Xbox One Microsoft franchises?


Aug 13, 2014
What's a list of active and future video game franchises exclusive to Microsoft? No series that hasn't had a release in over 5 years, unless they have announced and upcoming one.
The ones that on the back of my mind right now are Halo, Gears of War, Forza, and Quantum Break. I'm sure there are more but these are possibly the ones that will get more releases in the future. All of them already got a release except Gears but I bet there's going to be a new one.
Halo is the first that comes in mind. The series worked wonders for Microsoft, it's hard to imagine the XBox without it. Other than this heavensdevil mentioned some of the most popular above, like Gears and Forza. A new one that I can add is Sunset Overdrive, I have a hunch that the game will stay XBox only forever.
Yeah it all comes down to Halo I suppose, I mean it's what solidified Mircrosoft in the gaming industry. I don't really see that much games coming out of the studio except for the main guns they have but who knows maybe they have something up their sleeve.
Like everyone else, I can name Halo off the top of my head, but Microsoft Studios doesn't have tons and tons of exclusives. It tends to help develop games in conjunction with other developers, so you'll wind up with games that aren't entirely theirs, or games that are available on other platforms. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, though.
Ваnјо, Соnkеr, Ваttlеtоаds, Реrfесt Dаrk, Vооdоо Vіnсе, Vіvа Ріnаtа, Ѕtаtе оf Dесау, Аlаn Wаkе & Рrојесt Gоthаm Rасіng аrе whаt І wаnt tо sее rеturn.
Аlоngsіdе соntіnuеd suрроrt fоr Наlо, Gеаrs, Κіllеr Іnstіnсt, Сrасkdоwn, Рhаntоm Dust, Fоrzа, Quаntum Вrеаk & Fаblе.
І аlsо rеаllу wаnt tо sее а sеquеl tо Тhе Маw, but Тwіstеd Ріхеl mіght bе bеttеr оff dоіng mоrе nеw ІРs.
І thіnk аll оf thоsе аlоngsіdе sоmе nеw ІРs wоuld mаkе thе Хbох brаnd hаvе а tоn оf сооl & dіvеrsе frаnсhіsеs thаt саn stаnd uр аgаіnst Νіntеndо.
And as you point out @Robcat Microsoft not only have the Xbox platform itself to support, but we can't forget its PC arm of the company and the developments and improvements it's making with that, so even though us a gamers might want to see a certain game or franchise be continued, for a company as big as Microsoft, making a game is way down there list of things to do.

We might think a game franchise would sell well and make them a lot of money and it would do, but what we consider a lot of money and what a company as big as Microsoft does are two entirely different things.
Halo is the first that comes in mind. The series worked wonders for Microsoft, it's hard to imagine the XBox without it. Other than this heavensdevil mentioned some of the most popular above, like Gears and Forza. A new one that I can add is Sunset Overdrive, I have a hunch that the game will stay XBox only forever.
Halo is to XBox what Gran Turismo was to PlayStation. It made people buy the XBox that swore they never would do so, you know when a game is good when you mention it and everyone knows it.

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