Microsoft to offer NFL games at 60fps on Xbox One


Former Moderator
Aug 31, 2013
Microsoft is working with an online streaming company to bring NFL games in 60fps to the Xbox One, CED Magazine reports. NeuLion, the streaming company, works with other companies, such as Apple, Roku and Sony, to bring live content to internet-accessible devices. The company's multi-year contract with Microsoft stipulates that the console will be able to deliver on-demand content, statistics and multiple channels at 60fps.

Microsoft's new console is the among the first to be able to stream at 60fps, as it has a video card suitable for the occasion, Chris Wagner, NeuLion executive vice president and co-founder, said. Although NeuLion's program is software-based, it will use a cloud-based service to format the content for the Xbox One.

Source: IGN

Considering how much of a NFL fanatic I am this is a pretty big deal. I'm really stoked the MSFT is taking full advantage of its deal with the NFL and considering they now have a deal with an online streaming source, should we expect access to 360 streaming games in the future for XB1?
Well, we'll see if it's true when it's actually out. There's a lot of other factors they gotta consider if they're really going to deliver NFL games at 60fps. Quite a big claim there but we'll see.
Lol, these days people make such a big deal with 60fps. Watching 60fps videos is kind of weird to me because everything looked sped up. I think it will look like a video game if Microsoft can really deliver.
Knowing me because I have DirecTV I won't be eligible for this either. They don't let us have any other service.

Yeah, this part really is a bummer. I hope DirecTV can partner up with microsoft on this.
i wonder if its going to be offered as a "season pass" like a digital cable provider.

honestly i am not against this.. and yes i know it will "require" more money and people will cry microsoft is greedy.. but if they can offer a legit way to have "ultra high definition" nfl games streamed thru the console id be willing to pay.. undecided how much at this point.

it would be nice if the games would be held in a server so you could watch thru the week. i know we all get highlights and what not.. but say each game was held in server/cloud for 2 weeks you could potentially go back nightly and catch up on games you would want to see but were not your team ect ect..

what will be odd is who/where they are pulling camera/feed from?? cbs,fox,nbc??? espn is owned by Disney and really dosnt have a ton of broadcasting rights that i know of. they may hold share in fox/cbs sports brances which allows them access to footage.
or maybe since it would be "NFL" and possibly run off the nfl app as a piggyback it would be privey to all the parties who distribute the NFL brand... im not exactly sure how the networking stuff works.

either way its not a bad thing and should be interesting.. to see the fit/finish of the product microsoft/nfl puts out.
60FPS NFL Games? This I'd love to see happen. If computers can do it well, why not the XB1 right? It's gotta happen. I was able to watch a part of the Superbowl well on my computer so why not let the XB1 doit even better right?
60fps... big claim but we'll see they can do it. So big NFL fan KN1GHTMARE, if you get the chance to try this out, give us your reviews on it and see if it's truly 60fps.

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