Xbox One Microsoft to preview new Xbox One TV controls, update SmartGlass


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2013
Xbox One's all-in-one TV ambitions have fallen a little short since its November 2013 release. Sure, Xbox One does a passable job at controlling cable boxes, but there's plenty of room for improvement.

Invites to a select lot of Xbox Live members will have early access to a few of Xbox One's new TV control features, most notably the ability to set DVR recordings and watch recorded content from a tablet or smartphone. The OneGuide can also be place-shifted to SmartGlass for a different TV browsing experience. For the rest of us, these features won't roll out until later this year.

SmartGlass will receive some newer functionality that should increase accessibility when playing games. The second screen will provide shortcuts to achievement lists, challenges, game clips, and other areas such as your Activity Feed.

Also coming to the Xbox Live platform is "Rent Once, Play Anywhere," which grants the ability to start, stop and continue playback of content regardless of which device is used. You can start watching an episode of "Game of Thrones" on Xbox One, then pick up where you left off on an Xbox 360, Windows Phone, or

seems like a smart move to add ability to set dvr recording.that has been a big request..

i would like to see the ability to turn on xb1 from smartglass.the system is technically in a sleep mode and would be the same as pishin g the xb button on a controller. just more updates we will get down the line.. dont see a date but tl east they are working on stuff.
Well, well, MSFT is slowly getting back a bit. All-in-one, man, all-in-one.
Wow, DVR controls from Smartglass huh? This gets more and more interesting everyday.
I'm extremely hyped for these new ideas to come out. Microsoft hype train all the way!
I think the main reason Xbox One's all-in-one TV ambitions have fallen a little short, is due to the fact that software hasn't caught up to the very ambitious hardware on the Xbox One.

DVR recordings have been a constant request and it's nice to see those requests not going unheard. Watching recorded content from a tablet or smartphone is also a very welcomed bonus.

I sure am hyped.
Well, well, MSFT is slowly getting back a bit. All-in-one, man, all-in-one.

Haha yes, it's all about the all-in-one! Great to see that software is constantly updated with features that the community desire. I don't agree with all Microsoft policies, but I certainly like the direction their taking here. Actually, the ability to record on the Xbox One and watch it on my tablet at a later date is incredible. I assume this will require streaming though? And you don't download it to your device?
Hahahaha. Yeah. Then add the TV shows, Cortana, the new indie games, the other future ideas..... ALL-IN-ONE!

That's exactly what they need to do. They need to add Cortana to Xbox One and to Windows 8, tied to our Windows account. Then we could program recordings on our DVR through our PCs & Windows Phones. We could also use Cortana on the Xbox to read us our email & texts, we could dictate new emails & texts with Kinect.

Imagine waking up in the morning and saying "Xbox how's my day look?" and Xbox would turn on the TV, read your schedule to you, read and show you the weather, traffic, your email, etc. It's basically Google Now but on our TV. Microsoft has the advantage of having hardware in our homes (Xbox), our pockets (Windows Phone) and our workplaces (Windows PCs). Cortana can be the common software to link it all together.

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