Xbox 360 Modded Controllers


Nov 29, 2012
Are any of you playing Black Ops II with a modded controller? If so, how has your controller been modified? What can it do that a regular controller cannot? How does it help you? Did you modify the controller yourself, or did you order one off the internet that was already modded?
Most people pay for them online at say evil controllers. They do so much more than a normal controller, Drop shot, rapid fire, auto run... I don't personally own one but I have a couple friends with them and they work well with Black OPS 2
I don't play with a modified controller and I can't stand playing with other people who do. I think it's a form of cheating, because it gives that player an unfair advantage. You can always tell which players are using them, too.
I don't have a modded controller; I just play with a regular one. While I think it would be great to run around with some of the mods that these other players have, it's really not fair. Either everyone should have a modded controller, or no one should.
I wish I had been the one to invent the modded controller; I'd be a millionaire by now! I don't play with one myself. I don't have any desire to play with one and even if I did, they're a lot more expensive than regular controllers.
I wish I had been the one to invent the modded controller; I'd be a millionaire by now!

I know, right!! I wish I'd thought of it, too. I've thought about buying one of those controllers just for curiosity's sake. Part of me would like to know what it's like to play with one, but they're expensive and more than anything else, it's cheating to play with them.
Hi Tomas,

Modded controllers can be pretty crazy! Over at Evil Controllers our current Master mod has over 10 exclusive mods for Black Ops 2. To name a few of the most popular, it comes with Rapid Fire, Adjustable Rapid Fire, Drop Shot, Auto Burst (jitter), Fast Reload, Auto Aim for Zombies, just a ton of features. You should check us out if you get the chance. We have a sale going on right now where you can get the mod for only $99.99. Technically it can't do anything a human player can't do, but it just does everything perfectly. We have a youtube channel and can be reached over the phone, via facebook and through email. Check our site out and let us know if you have any questions.

Hi Tomas,

Modded controllers can be pretty crazy! Over at Evil Controllers our current Master mod has over 10 exclusive mods for Black Ops 2. To name a few of the most popular, it comes with Rapid Fire, Adjustable Rapid Fire, Drop Shot, Auto Burst (jitter), Fast Reload, Auto Aim for Zombies, just a ton of features. You should check us out if you get the chance. We have a sale going on right now where you can get the mod for only $99.99. Technically it can't do anything a human player can't do, but it just does everything perfectly. We have a youtube channel and can be reached over the phone, via facebook and through email. Check our site out and let us know if you have any questions.


Technically it can't do anything a player can't do?! I'd like to see someone pull off some of the stunts with a regular controller that a cheater pulls off with a modded controller. I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you, Carlos. If a modded controller couldn't or didn't do anything above and beyond what a person can do, there would be no benefit to buying it. People buy modded controllers because of the advantages it gives them over other players.