Most anticipated Xbox One game?


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2013
The list of Xbox One titles is increasing as we get closer and closer to launch. Out of curiosity what are your most anticipated games for the Xbox One? Is it an Xbox One exclusive or maybe a multiplatform game? Which ever it is I know I'm very excited for one game in particular. That game is Mirror's Edge 2. The E3 demo and my past enjoyment with the original title made this a no-brainer. Titanfall, Destiny and the new Star Wars game get my honorable mentions though.

Here's a complete list of the confirmed Xbox One titles. What are you guys excited for?


1. Forza Motorsport 5

2. Quantum Break

3. Halo

4. Ryse: Son of Rome

5. Titanfall

6. Lococycle

7. Dead Rising 3

8. Sunset Overdrive

9. Killer Instinct

10. Project Spark

11. Minecraft Xbox One

12. Crimson Dragon

13. Below

14. Kinect Sports Rivals

15. Max and the Curse of Brotherhood

16. D4

17. Zoo Tycoon

18. Fantasia: Music Evolved


1. Human Element

2. Rainbow 6: Patriots

3. Watch Dogs

4. Star Wars 1313 (update: project on hold)

5. Destiny

6. Beyond Good & Evil 2

7. Dragon Age 3: Inquisition

8. Cyberpunk 2077

9. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

10. Whore of the Orient (rumour: on hold)

11. Thief

12. Battlefield 4

13. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag

14. Pro Evolution Soccer 2014

15. Sniper Elite 3

16. Lords of the Fallen

17. Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes

18. Call of Duty: Ghosts

19. Wolfenstein: The New Order

20. FIFA 14

21. Dying Light

22. EA Sports UFC

23. NBA Live 14

24. WWE '14 (details to come)

25. Madden NFL 25

26. Tom Clancy's The Division

27. The Crew

28. Mirror's Edge

29. Final Fantasy 15

30. Kingdom Hearts 3

31. The Elder Scrolls Online

32. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

33. Mad Max

34. Just Dance 2014

35. LEGO Marvel Superheroes

36. Skylanders: Swap Force (details to come)

37. Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade

38. Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare

39. Zumba Fitness: World Party
Project Spark is my most anticipated.

BF4 will probably be my most played though.
Project Spark is a good one. From what they showed it seems like the most ambitious title since Little Big Planet. If done correctly and supported with updates and tweaks it will cultivate a huge fan base. Battlefield 4 is a very honest choice. BF4 has a lot of things going for it and although there are lots of new IP's games like BF and COD are without a doubt going to log the most online hours.
For me it's Dead Rising 3. The E3 trailer and gameplay just blew me away and the fact they changed the game from what 1 and 2 were to something that's not so restrictive.

Some other games I'm looking forward to are Watch Dogs, MGS 5, Madden, NBA 2k14, Titanfall, Ryse, Destiny and The Division.
Dead Rising 3 is a really good one. I recently downloaded the second one for free on 360 and I have to say it's a very fun game. It definitely makes me look at DR3 in a different light. I'm also interested in Dying Light for that matter. I've recently gotten a zombie fix.
Mainly because I'm somewhat of a mega dork, I'm really looking forward to the Lego marvel super heroes games. The Lego games are just such mindless fun and when I'm in a bad mood I can get on there and just smash up random Lego bricks just for the heck of it.
for me the anticipated games fall like this:

project spark

and only 2 of those games are my pre order with ac4 not on my anticipation list.

as long as forza5 dosnt get a reboot in the next 2 years it will be a game that logs quite a bit of hrs for me. i will have to wait and see how far i go with dlc on bf4 to keep it playable right now i cant see me doing the bf4 season pass...
project spark is free and hope it gets suport... it seems support can be given by other players as well not jut developers.
titanfall is a game i want but with bf4 as a pre order i went assasins creed4 to give me a spread of types of gaming.

games i anticipate buying pre owned.
zoo tycoon

anticipated games:
tom clancy division
Hmm, from the exclusive I would say that Son of Rome looks quite good, if they can pull off the combat system that is. But from the cross platform games Battlefield 4 and Watchdogs seem good, I'm pretty confident in BF4 because BF3 was pretty good, but I don't know what to expect from Watchdogs, hopefully it will be better than the AC franchise.
Really looking forward to DR3. The first two were some of my favorite games for the 360 (regardless of some of the gameplay problems). Besides that, I'm interested in what Sunset Overdrive will have to offer.

Other than that, I simply can't wait for GTA V, South Park: Stick of Truth, and Watchdogs. All of those games look to be absolutely amazing.
Forza Motorsport 5 >Titanfall > D4 > Sunset Overdrive > Dead Rising 3

Seeing how it might be connected to deadly premonition, i have high hopes for D4. Also will want to see some gameplay footage of Sunset Overdrive before having it higher in there, but for the trailer it looked pretty cool and original.
Big list here, but Watch Dogs is definitely going to be my first. Interested to play this unique game, and give another try at a stealthy game. Battlefield 4; probably another. Just started playing BF3 yesterday, but only for 10 minutes or so on multiplayer. Very good game, and I'm hoping to see some better improvements in BF4 which, at the moment, is most likely going to happen. Those are the two I'm basically excited for, other games like Forza or Titanfall... not so much.
Star Wars: Battlefront 3 by the masterful coders at Dice.

You better not screw this up! After that gorgeous piece of art that was Battlefield 3, just the thought of that game but with blasters and Jedi gets my hype engine revving.
Halo, for multiple reasons. Not only because it is next gen but it's probably the most important Halo in some time due to the backlash from Halo 4. If they don't get it right and get back to Halo's roots then this will not longer be a viable AAA title.
I think the most anticipated game for Xbox one will definitely be GTA 5 and with the announcement being made today that GTA Online will have more than 700 missions to chose from, things aren't getting any better, :) COD and bf4 will pretty much be played a lot too. :)
I think the most anticipated game for Xbox one will definitely be GTA 5 and with the announcement being made today that GTA Online will have more than 700 missions to chose from, things aren't getting any better, :) COD and bf4 will pretty much be played a lot too. :)

GTA5 isnt on X1 though, only 360.
I'd have to say that the Xbox One game I'm anticipating the most would have to be Titanfall. Even though the game is only a timed exclusive, it's great to see that it will be coming to the Xbox One. The combat seems like a typical first person shooter, but the mech aspect of the game has me really intrigued. I'm hoping that it lives up to the massive hype it has recieved.
I'm really looking forward to Titanfall... I saw the footage for this at E3 and was immediately enamoured. I currently play Hawken on the PC, and though it does satisfy my craving for mech combat, this game somehow rolls a bunch of things in to one glorious ball. My initial impression was CoD/BF with big bad robots stomping around.

I’m really looking forward to this game, along with any competitive community that might spawn with it.
You have pretty named t all. Is there anything else left which is still not included in this huge list? Nah, I don'y think so. The Gamescom tonight is going to be one hell of a show :)
You have pretty named t all. Is there anything else left which is still not included in this huge list? Nah, I don'y think so. The Gamescom tonight is going to be one hell of a show :)

I am SERIOSULY so STOKED right now lol
Dead Rising 3 is the one for me, as I'm a fan of the franchise. It looks like they are changing things up a lot so I might not love it as much but every bit of news has been more positive than the previous ones, so it's still looking good to me.

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