Most hours spent on a single game


Mar 26, 2013
For me it would be GTA IV, I've been addicted to the GTA series since I first got Vice City and then San Andreas (the greatest game ever), I think I put more than 300+ hours on GTA IV just by driving around and looking at the details of buildings and just walking around pretending I was a real person. It came to the point where I spent an entire day driving one of the buses around the business area, with a constant route to look how that would work, I can't believe I'm admitting I did this, I'll show myself out now.

Which one was THAT game for you?
I don't know. I play daily and I play a great variety of games. For me GTA was a great series and I'm looking forward to playing GTAV. I think it's going to be a fantastic game and I hope I really hope it's better than the last release. I get the felling that GTAV is gonna be very similar to San Andreas.
Easily Red Dead Redemption. Just the online itself I'm close to I think 4 days. Might not seem much but to me it is.
Wow i can't believe you actually did that with the bus! xD I agree that GTA IV Is a great game, i think it must be the game i have spent most of my time on as well. I could never count the hours i have played because i never save due to me trying to preserve the "perfect" game save (I beat the game in the smallest possible time, going from mission to mission in a heli and beating them in the quickest way possible). :P
The game i played the most is without a doubt FIFA. And i go for online games like FIFA, Call of Duty, Halo and MK. After i finish playing the campaign, i don't like to start from the beginning so i just go online and play there.
Gears of War 3, no doubt about it.
I had some kind of a 'clan' with some friends from town, and we'd play that game to exhaustion.
I like how methodical GoW games are, especially the third one. If you have a decent team that knows how to work as a team, then you're guaranteed to have a really great time! :)
Battlefield 3... Over 500 hours on the multiplayer :p
I think overall, in my entire Xbox player existence, it'd have to be Fallout: New Vegas. I've probably spent about 100 hours on each playthrough for the different endings. So... 400 hours? I usually start a bit after the beginning of the game so I don't have to create a new character each time, in the event that I DO want a new character with different stats and perks, I do have to start over. I've made 3 different characters for F:NV. Of course, we can't track those hours where we go back to a save point and launch from there sooo... that's the unfortunate part about that.
I'd say Pokemon Gen 1 if those all count as one game. From this console generation on the 360, either Halo 3, Skyrim, or Black Ops have stolen more hours of my life.
The Pokemon Franchise. Every game from red to white I've put 100-300 hours into.

Next would be RE4. While I don't know how heany hours I've put into it I have beat it 11 times.
Oh man... Ah... I'd have to say Halo 3. I was a little late to the party with my 360, only getting it a week after this amazing game launched. For a while, it was the only game that I owned as well, so that is definitely a contribution to why I played it so much. Everything about it was just... amazing. The online multiplayer was fantastic. The campaign was a ton of fun, but the main reason why I played it so much was because of Forge. I lost SO many hours of time playing in the forge mode that it's not even funny. My prize level creations were levels based off Super Smash Bros maps that hosted a custom fiesta style gametype. If things got too stressful in matchmaking, my friends and I would just take it all out on each other in a massive game of Smash Bros on either Battlefield, Final Destination, or Hyrule Castle in one massive 8-12 player murder-fest. It was amazing.
@Forerunner yo bro. do me a favor and invite me over next time that sounds like a mad dope party that is neither here nor there. I mean like BAM.

Seriously tho you guys are nuts for thinking anyone is going spend a junk load of time playing anything OTHER THAN.....just dance 4 if you got the moves and the grooves. you got a high score playa. And that's the naaammeee of the game. seriously stop playing those FPS and rolepalying foreeveralone games. get a dance game going. get some moves. invite dudes over for a man party and some women of course. sure whatever.

Halo 3. In one year of playing I played 3000 games. That's about 10 games a day, and each game is about 10 minutes. Very rough math says that's over 500 hours... in one year.
Tales of Vesperia easily, I've spent like 200-250 hours on that game. Just grinding and doing side-quests for weapons was really rewarding so it just kept me going all day. Damn now that i think about it I spend more than a whole summer vacation on it. The fact that they give you a Game+ option makes the game content like double in size!
For me I've spent about 300+ hours in skyrim and 200 in oblivion! There is just always something to do in those games thats why I love them! As for pretending to be a normal person in GTA, we've all been there my friend! I've once spent about 5 hours just driving around following traffic rules going shopping for clothes and walking around/taking taxis to places like a real pedestrian because Nico was just a bit tired of having to massacre multiple people every day so I gave him a break!

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