Xbox One Need advise on the game?


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2013
New Orleans
My son keeps asking me to play this game because his friends say they are playing it, but I am not sure they are. He is only 9 and although I am not worried about the violence in the game, I am concerned about the language and nudity a bit more. He played the demo of one of the other assassin creed games for the PS 3 and just loved running around, jumping from roof top to roof top and sword fighting. This isn't a game he will play for the story, just more to play around in. With that being said, is there a filter to toggle on and off for language and such? I know I would enjoy the game and have played a few in the past. The violence I didn't think was that bad, but can someone give me there thoughts on this game. I may pick it up for me and see what its like, and then see if its something he can play.... but I just don't want him hearing a lot of F bombs or cursing and nudity if I can avoid it. Its just not something I want him exposed too... even though I am sure he hears it at school from time to time..... Is there a violent or language toggle on off for content built in the game?

i am 36% thru the story line.. allot of my play time was naval battles(you will find yourself in this mode often) i cant recall at this point any nudity... i think its more the violence more than graphic images...

the harpooning and general running around is ok.. i could see a kid getting into it.. the map has 100's of islands and general areas to explore.. when taking a fort over it naval battle with a few tactile take downs.. last guy you basically assassinate..

as for language it is tame and i am about sure your kid has herd the same things if not worse by close friends,in school or generally around the house. i catch myself having to watch what i say around them... as for the nudity i cant help you as i have yet to see it.. if he gets to 36% than hes pretty good. but i cant see it really being much if any... (the girls for hire/as distractions) are basically in dresses and such.. it may be semi provocative but most part its not really graphic... think ball room gown around the town..

hear is a link with the basic breakdown of the reasons it got the rating it did along with the pictures of how graphic the game is... i think its a bit overboard but yea.. up to you.. you are the parent.
Here's some parental reviews. If you scroll down there is one that says:

"so they mostly couse in italian and there is no sexual content but you can turn off the blood it is about the midevil period and so cool i played the hole 10 times so this is not made up violent but you can avoid killing lots of the time"

Doesn't sound like English is their native language but they do say you can turn blood off. I haven't played it but the opinions in the link may help you with your decision.
i am 36% thru the story line.. allot of my play time was naval battles(you will find yourself in this mode often) i cant recall at this point any nudity... i think its more the violence more than graphic images...

the harpooning and general running around is ok.. i could see a kid getting into it.. the map has 100's of islands and general areas to explore.. when taking a fort over it naval battle with a few tactile take downs.. last guy you basically assassinate..

as for language it is tame and i am about sure your kid has herd the same things if not worse by close friends,in school or generally around the house. i catch myself having to watch what i say around them... as for the nudity i cant help you as i have yet to see it.. if he gets to 36% than hes pretty good. but i cant see it really being much if any... (the girls for hire/as distractions) are basically in dresses and such.. it may be semi provocative but most part its not really graphic... think ball room gown around the town..

hear is a link with the basic breakdown of the reasons it got the rating it did along with the pictures of how graphic the game is... i think its a bit overboard but yea.. up to you.. you are the parent.

I had read that review and it is more of a spoof than a review... made to be funny and doesn't really tell anything about the game... I knew this without even playing... but thanks for the hands on review of the game... I may get it... esp if I can turn off the blood... Do they drop the F word a lot? or have you not heard it at all>?????
ok so i jus got on ac4 for you..

you can turn blood off...
you can turn voices off

it says nothing about cursing(seen a few mentions about at the need of the game..(personally havnt gotten to that point)
no in game voices... so say you ge to a cut sceen they will talk but you wont be able to hear them... with most missions you are given targets(green) to follow or kill. or it is written in txt... that gives you the objective... so you could potentially turn off the character talk and just have them play the game. music and such would still come thru just not the game dialogue.

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