Well-Known Member
My son keeps asking me to play this game because his friends say they are playing it, but I am not sure they are. He is only 9 and although I am not worried about the violence in the game, I am concerned about the language and nudity a bit more. He played the demo of one of the other assassin creed games for the PS 3 and just loved running around, jumping from roof top to roof top and sword fighting. This isn't a game he will play for the story, just more to play around in. With that being said, is there a filter to toggle on and off for language and such? I know I would enjoy the game and have played a few in the past. The violence I didn't think was that bad, but can someone give me there thoughts on this game. I may pick it up for me and see what its like, and then see if its something he can play.... but I just don't want him hearing a lot of F bombs or cursing and nudity if I can avoid it. Its just not something I want him exposed too... even though I am sure he hears it at school from time to time..... Is there a violent or language toggle on off for content built in the game?