Xbox 360 Need for Speed: Most Wanted Reviews


Aug 26, 2012
Below you can find the reviews for Need for Speed: Most Wanted. If you have any questions that the reviews didn't answer, start a new thread on the forum. Played the game already? Rate it above and tell us why you did or didn’t like it. Better yet, write your own user review!

9 out of 10 - IGN
Read the full review here: Direct Link
If you desire structure, if you wanted a game to be meted out to you, you might find its instant freedom somewhat overwhelming. But Most Wanted is all about deviation and deviance. It’s the racing game for people who don’t tend to like racing games. You’re not punished for missing that apex or abandoning that nagging racing line. It’s undoubtedly one of the year’s most exhilarating experiences.

9 out of 10 - Game Informer
Read the full review here: Direct Link
Sometimes while playing Most Wanted I was confused what to do next due to the sheer volume of opportunities. I was even frustrated at times when seemingly out of nowhere, a civilian car clogged up the last turn of a particularly high-tension race, causing me to eat metal instead of grabbing victory. But part of the beauty of this game is that there is no such thing as an unfair ending. Whether you’re dominating your opponents or barrel rolling your way through a race, you’re getting what you wanted – a game, that win or lose, goes all out getting there.

8.5 out of 10 - EGM
Read the full review here: Direct Link
While the overeager police presence can be a bit of a pain and the online multiplayer is a bit too hectic for its own good, there’s no denying that Criterion has brought their expert touch to the Need for Speed franchise yet again, delivering one of the tightest open-world racing games in recent memory.

8.5 out of 10 - Official Xbox Magazine
Read the full review here: Direct Link
Most Wanted delivers raucous entertainment in spades, whether you’re battling Fairhaven City’s finest in the campaign or dueling network competition in serious races and silly trick competitions. After years of revisiting Burnout Paradise’s recurring playground, we finally have a fresh racing addiction to keep us hooked until Criterion’s next seemingly inevitable open-road opus.

4 out of 5 - Joystiq
Read the full review here: Direct Link
Need for Speed: Most Wanted is the next Burnout game fans have clamoring for – it may not say so on the box, but everything about it screams Burnout. The feel of the cars, the physics and the eclectic mix of multiplayer modes are all undeniably Criterion qualities, the things old fans love and the properties that convert new fans with every studio release.

7.5 out of 10 - Game Spot
Read the full review here: Direct Link
It's not quite the smooth, finely tuned speed machine it could have been, but Need for Speed: Most Wanted is still an exciting racer.

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