Xbox One New CryEngine Tech Demo


RPG Ambassador
Jul 23, 2013
Crytek, who has made the most advanced graphics engine to date, had just demoed their new engine for the next gen consoles. In the tech demo you can see a lot of the power being put into even a launch title like Ryse. Now imagine what new IP and upcoming franchise installments can do with power like this and other engines like Unreal 4 and Agni.

I know the tech of the current-gen consoles kept the power of engines like Frostbite back, but now its time to really push the limits again. I'm excited for the upcoming sensory overload.

Looks pretty nice. Out of the big 4 engines, I think this is the only one that will support the Wii U.
Damn, would you look at all those things that i don't know what they do. How can they even remember what half of those do, that thing is full of options!
Still , that last weather part looked amazing, i just wish some game would use it soon!

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