Xbox One New "Grid" not coming to current-gen: only PS3, 360 and PC


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2013

Well guys, if you're fan of the GRID series, the new one is not coming to the current-gen. Thoughts? This is almost like how the new Borderlands game is coming to last-gen but not current-gen. According to the devs, they didn't want to rush it so they decided to release it safely on the last-gen. They're not yet ready to really explore the current-gen for their series. Well, I say awesome then. Why not say goodbye to the last-gen with a "bang".
Wonder how long it's been in development, probably been a while. This is more proof that the last-gen still has a lot of life left.
Wonder how long it's been in development, probably been a while. This is more proof that the last-gen still has a lot of life left.

Yup, like the Persona series dood. Atlus knows there's still life left in last-gen, so they tend to release the games just when the next-gen comes in. Now the devs of GRID know that. No rush into it.
Yup, like the Persona series dood. Atlus knows there's still life left in last-gen, so they tend to release the games just when the next-gen comes in. Now the devs of GRID know that. No rush into it.

Yup, I got to agree. There's still some juice left. Anyway, I don't have any current-gen consoles yet so gotta enjoy what the last-gen has.
Awesome. Glad they're gonna do it for PC and the last-gen consoles. Not worried if it's not coming to current-gen. At least, we're gonna have a bang for the last GRID game for the last-gen
Wow.... GRID Autosport. Well, time to saddle up and download GRID 2 from PS PLUS. Wanna see what the fuss is all about.
Count me in! I got the PS PLUS too. Time to see why everybody here is encouraging the download.

Hehehehe, you can't leave me.... I'm going to download as well. I wanna see this game and play it before Autosport makes it for release.

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