Xbox One New map + Levolution


Active Member
Oct 21, 2013
Jack Frags posted this new map yesterday:


It looks amazing, and although the video doesn't show it there are some houses you can enter while diving into the water from some buildings after the Levolution changes the map. Are you guys really excited as I'm with this new feature?
i have been waiting to see this map since they showed or talked about the city flooding.

so we have seen 2-3 out of the 7 at launch iirc.. and what 1-2 that are part of the day one bf3 bring back list.

map looks sweet tho.
I too had seen this video this morning, and the game will be beautiful.
It is much more beautiful than Battlefield 3. The leak of the console version are just confirm that I'll play on PS4 or Xbox One.

I wish that the dam is a little bigger ... because there ... I must admit that it looks more like a wall breaks.
Oh man, this is nice!
I can't wait to get this game when it goes on sale after it releases. Not going to buy it right away for 60 bucks when it releases, but I'll probably get it when it's on sale for 40$ or less. Played the beta and it was amazingly fun with friends. Nice to see that they increased the squad members per squad to 5 instead of 4 in battlefield 3.
I too had seen this video this morning, and the game will be beautiful.
It is much more beautiful than Battlefield 3. The leak of the console version are just confirm that I'll play on PS4 or Xbox One.

I wish that the dam is a little bigger ... because there ... I must admit that it looks more like a wall breaks.

Yeah, after the streaming videos I've saw from the previous gen versions of the game it does not look good. Everything is really pale and stall, and after trying out the x-box one version I can't go back!
Yeah, after the streaming videos I've saw from the previous gen versions of the game it does not look good. Everything is really pale and stall, and after trying out the x-box one version I can't go back!

the beta was basically a network/bug run.... the graphics were scaled back but i still think they looked great. looked very clean. the graphics were nice ..

the game didn't look great once the tower dropped(white poweder everywhere) but pre building drop the colors were good for 360 and the envirmonet damage was on point. one part of the map if you took out 4 walls you had allot more access and cover area. you could only do the damage with a tank or a few guns.

all in all i think the betta of bf4 was better than cod bo2 and that in itself is a good thing. the game just does more even on the 360 than i expected and i cant wait for the bells and whistles on the xb1.

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