Xbox 360 New micro-transactions in Black Ops 2


Mar 18, 2013
As most Black Ops 2 players now they are now charging real money for items such as camo's, extra classes and reticles but in my opinion this is a bad thing
  • Firstly many people myself being included are annoyed because even though we have purchased the season pass this does not give us the camo's
  • Secondly as it would seem that many people are actually paying for these camo's every lobby i get in seems to have a few people with them in and all this does is encourage Activision that they can charge us for literally anything who knows in future games they may start making you play per game or pay to level up
So the question is what are your opinion on this and will you be buying these things?
I think they're just ways to nickel-and-dime us, so I won't be buying any. I already view DLC as being charged more for "complete" versions of the game, but I suck it up and buy it anyway. This is just pushing it a little further, and if it gets to the point where weapons and perks start becoming you have to buy (I'll excuse the Peacekeeper and future DLC guns for now) I'll be done with Call of Duty. It's not even a monetary issue for me, it's the principal of the matter; things like this just don't belong in FPS games that already cost $60. /rant
It's amazing they've found another way to nickel-and-dime the fans. Yearly releases at 60$ are bad enough, but then there was the lots of DLC and now they've gone and added microtransactions on top of that? It sucks, too, because Call of Duty is actually a pretty solid franchise, when it comes to gameplay, but they really just want us to give them our bank account.
Gaming used to be a one and done buy the game and you're done.

Now, you need to pay to get more maps, more camos, more features, etc. It's ridiculous. It's just another way to make money and I don't get into it. Besides, gold or diamond camo looks a hell of a lot better than any of the camos (although graffiti looks pretty solid).

And bacon...just doesn't look good. Not very "bacony" in my eyes.

If they really want to make people happy and keep playing, they need to fix larger issues like the hit detection, lag, etc and focus on the community in general.
I agree, I was not happy to see this. At all. I can see it getting to the point where the game is near free and you have to pay for everything after that. Looks like they are going more that way. Or worse just charging for more with the game the same price.
I don't like it as well. Honestly, I ended up buying a few camos and the extra class sets. It seems that micro-transactions can be found it every game today. I guess it's a way for companies to suck up our money even more.

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