Xbox 360 Next Black Ops II patch?


Nov 14, 2012
Does anyone know when the next Black Ops II patch is coming out, or if there even is another one coming out? I've been having some problems with online play and I'm hoping that they'll release a patch for it soon that fixes all the problems.
I don't know, but I hope it's soon. I'm tired of dealing with all of the issues I've been having ever since I started playing Black Ops II on multiplayer. I'm seriously thinking about giving Black Ops II a break and just playing Halo 4 for a while, until they fix all this.
Jo86 - There is another patch coming out, but Treyarch hasn't publicized a release date, yet. I just read an article published earlier today that said the next patch should resolve the theater mode issue, among other things.
Read an article today didn't confirm a date but said that these were somethings that would be in it:

"In the next patch, it will take a lot longer for a friendly player to hack his teammates Care Package."

"Nerfs and Buffs coming in next update."

"SMG penetration is probably too high. Something we are looking at for next update."

"Theater back with next update"
I read an article that said theater will be fixed in the next update and also that the killstreaks/scorestreaks points will be raised for some of the lower killstreak rewards, like the UAV and the RC-XD.
Read an article today didn't confirm a date but said that these were somethings that would be in it:

Hey everyone. I'm new here and thought I'd say hello....

Colour, thanks for sharing this info. I've stopped using the Care Package when my normal crew isn't on, as the randoms steal every one I throw out. I lost a Swarm and a VTOL in the same game the other night, that was enough for me. I can get the higher streaks without a problem, so I'm not worried about it. I just liked having the chance of getting a free one now and then.
Well, I'm glad to hear that it will be harder for someone to hack someone else's care package, like Colour was saying, but on the other hand, I'm not happy about them raising the score points for the score streak rewards, like cooper mentioned. They're already hard enough to get when you're not cheating and it seems like everyone else is!
Just got online earlier today and downloaded the new update. :) Like I was saying in another thread, the update fixed the theater mode problem, and it also seems to load faster now.

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