Xbox One Notification when friend started playing the same game


New Member
Feb 21, 2016
do you know if a friend or favorite friend on xbox one you receive a notification when a friend starts playing the same game as you? i know its like that on 360 i dont know xbox one
Your talking about the Xbox 360 Beacon system vs Xbox One's Favorites. I'd say to answer your question, that the systems are slightly different in how they operate. You can also see just how many of them play what you are at a glance from the dashboard on the Xbox one. It doesn't work like the Beacons though where it would tell you how many are playing I think when you boot a game up in short but you can tell when they broadcast on twitch or something.
Yeah, xbox one favors the dashboard quite a bit more than everything else, think it's all part of the plan to turn the game system into a free-range advertising platform. If you think about it, they're trying to advertise at every possible opportunity.
I agree with StockSwockle on how the One offers a lot more in the dashboard. Microsoft is quite aggressive with advertising and the dashboard is the perfect place to do it. The same way I hate how there are ads in the start menu of Windows 10, as if they don't make enough money from all their crap already. I hope they streamline this with their next console and make it a little less of a desperate-for-money kind of thing.
I just go into my dashboard whenever I want to see what someone is doing. I like it better than having continuous pop-ups while I'm in the middle of something.
Соuld is а funny wоrd. Thе сurrеnt dеsign оf соnsоlеs mаkеs it pеrfесtly pоssiblе fоr twо sеpаrаtе gаmе plаtfоrms tо lеt соnnесtivity bе асhiеvеd асrоss соnsоlеs, whiсh fоr mоst gаmеs соuld wоrk wеll еnоugh: thе dаtа соmmuniсаtеd аmоngst соnsоlеs is quitе аbstrасtеd аnd dоеsn't dеpеnd оn thе intеrnаl аrсhitесturе оf thе spесifiс соnsоlеs. Nоt оnly is mоst оf thеir stасks fоr rеmоtе соmmuniсаtiоn bаsiсаlly industry stаndаrd, but а lоt оf thе sеrvеrs invоlvеd аrе run by thе publishеrs, nоt thе соnsоlеr mаkеrs.

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