Xbox One Oculus Rift for the Xbox One?


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2013
Oculus Rift has gotten a lot of rep for its awesomeness to bring a different experience in PC gaming. But how about bringing it to the Xbox One? Can it bring awesomeness too? I'd say yeah. Who wouldn't like to ride cars in Forza 5 like they were actually there? How about Dead rising 3, where you can feel the struggle first-hand? I'm down with that! How about you guys?
Aww man! You just had to come up with the idea man. I'd love to see Oculus Rift support on the Xbox One. That would be awesom. Imagine the awesomeness of slicing and dicing down enemies in Ryse! This would bring a lot of great experience to the upcoming games like Titanfall. Imagine this: you're a Titan and you're flying around. That would make me giggle with excitement! It would add a lot to the Xbox One excitement.
No interest for me. Not saying it won't be nice, I am happy enough with the realness of a 73" HDTV and surround with subwoofer.

I was playing COD last night in the dark with a little buzz on and it was more lifelike and lifesize than I needed.:)
Oculus Rift has gotten a lot of rep for its awesomeness to bring a different experience in PC gaming. But how about bringing it to the Xbox One? Can it bring awesomeness too? I'd say yeah. Who wouldn't like to ride cars in Forza 5 like they were actually there? How about Dead rising 3, where you can feel the struggle first-hand? I'm down with that! How about you guys?

I'm in. If this is possible then sign me up.
Not a bad idea. I hope they really put they could really work with Xbox One on this. That way the gaming experience that we are having currently will evolve into a better one. I really hope they can work this out.
(taken from my post on another thread about mirror's edge 2)

As for it the oculus rift coming to next gen consoles it isn't looking too good as the main dude behind it says they're too limited to what they want to do ( so either microsoft/sony really really like what they see when the oculus rift is released (hopefully next year) and toss money his way too help him "change his mind" or they get greedy and decide to just make their own products cause that's kinda what they do....Anyway I'm super interested to see if the oculus rift can do what it thinks it can. If it does then that combined with the omni could give us a very interesting future in gaming and esports
(taken from my post on another thread about mirror's edge 2)

As for it the oculus rift coming to next gen consoles it isn't looking too good as the main dude behind it says they're too limited to what they want to do ( so either microsoft/sony really really like what they see when the oculus rift is released (hopefully next year) and toss money his way too help him "change his mind" or they get greedy and decide to just make their own products cause that's kinda what they do....Anyway I'm super interested to see if the oculus rift can do what it thinks it can. If it does then that combined with the omni could give us a very interesting future in gaming and esports

I hope they can work it out. But well it's still good news because they think they can do it.
I'm hoping that this works out because I actually like the idea of Oculus Rift coming to next-gen. But we'll have to wait and see what happens. I'm wondering if the main dude is holding out for more cash, or if he really doesn't believe that the game is for next-gen consoles. Hopefully we hear more news soon.
I'm hoping that this works out because I actually like the idea of Oculus Rift coming to next-gen. But we'll have to wait and see what happens. I'm wondering if the main dude is holding out for more cash, or if he really doesn't believe that the game is for next-gen consoles. Hopefully we hear more news soon.

Occulus Rift really has a great idea on how the next gen consoles should work out. I guess it just needs more time to work on it.
With what Occulus Rift is planning, the next gen games will go up by a different level. People and gamers will enjoy the games with their technology involved. This is good news for us gamers and also a good prospect for microsoft to even sell more.
I'm hoping that this works out because I actually like the idea of Oculus Rift coming to next-gen. But we'll have to wait and see what happens. I'm wondering if the main dude is holding out for more cash, or if he really doesn't believe that the game is for next-gen consoles. Hopefully we hear more news soon.

Yeah, same here. I'm in for next-gen console Oculus Rift. I'd LOVE to do that first-person (REALLY first-person) in games like Watch_Dogs, or even driving games like Project Cars. Experience will rock! But yeah, hope the creator can work something out. But if not, I'll just stay with the PC version if that's what he chooses to work with.
Yeah, same here. I'm in for next-gen console Oculus Rift. I'd LOVE to do that first-person (REALLY first-person) in games like Watch_Dogs, or even driving games like Project Cars. Experience will rock! But yeah, hope the creator can work something out. But if not, I'll just stay with the PC version if that's what he chooses to work with.

Project Cars is really sweet and the rest of the games like titanfall wil probably get a better look if Occulus Rift is added.
Project Cars is really sweet and the rest of the games like titanfall wil probably get a better look if Occulus Rift is added.

Love the game graphics and love the cars. I haven't seen the game play yet but I'm already hyped about it.
No interest for me. Not saying it won't be nice, I am happy enough with the realness of a 73" HDTV and surround with subwoofer.

I was playing COD last night in the dark with a little buzz on and it was more lifelike and lifesize than I needed.:)

Not sure the manufacturer. But there is someone who has the TV with the Expanded TV Back image, so the game image is shot out as a projection on your walls from your TV. so 73" and then some.
No interest for me. Not saying it won't be nice, I am happy enough with the realness of a 73" HDTV and surround with subwoofer.

I was playing COD last night in the dark with a little buzz on and it was more lifelike and lifesize than I needed.:)

I was just reading through all the replies here and I was like... 73"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? You... THAT IS HUGE. The largest HDTV besides the 4K TV is only 65" here in the local stores. But 73"?! Whoa, that is damn huge.
No interest for me. Not saying it won't be nice, I am happy enough with the realness of a 73" HDTV and surround with subwoofer.

I was playing COD last night in the dark with a little buzz on and it was more lifelike and lifesize than I needed.:)

73"?! Whoa dood, that's.... that's large. The biggest I've seen in my life is 65". But 73"? Holy smokes. That's big man, that's big.
Oculus Rift for the Xbox One eh? Oh yeah, I'd love that. Being able to play games like RYSE or even Titanfall within my eyes is going to be awesome. I hope they can also make Kinect-specific games with Oculus Rift features. Oh yeah!
I can already wonder the wonders of awesomeness in the graphics within my eyes with the Rift. Like, I can touch! haha.

Right you are. I've seen their demo video about how rift works. It does have a feature wherein you can move your head and you can see things better like it is in real life. Well made console. I wish they have more awesome features to it. By the way there's a company who they partnered with that developed PRIOVR, mainly what it does is like occulus rift it's also strapped to your body but it mainly focuses on the body movements.