Original Xbox Old and needs repair


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2011
I own an original X-Box and it is real touchy. When you put a game in sometimes it reads it the first try and sometimes it shows no disc. What could be the problem? I don’t want to send it in to get fixed (as it is old). Do you think it’s just old and worn and should be junked or is there an easy fix?
It's probably just old. One of my old Playstations got like that after a while, and it wasn't worth the expense to get it fixed.
I guess you've determined that there isn't a problem with any of the discs themselves. If you're sure it's the Xbox itself, they usually recommend that you try turning it off to reset it. If that doesn't work, you're probably stuck getting it repaired although I agree with Pamalala about the cost.
Don't bother with it. I would get rid of it to be honest with you. A 360 you can get on eBay for a really nice price. A regular Xbox is probably oging to run you a 200-300 dollar repair cost. It isn't worth it.
You should probably check to make sure that the disks are OK. Have you tested them on another Xbox ? If the device is just old, you might as well keep it for sentimental value, because it is not worth repairing. A new console is quite affordable nowadays...
Yes, we checked the discs in my brothers X-Box and they worked just fine. That is why I'm thinking it is our console. I don't think I'll get it fixed but I wanted to throw it out there. I will try resetting it tonight.
I wouldn't pay to have it repaired, but there are probably some online guides that might be helpful if the problem isn't too complex. It's also possible that someone who repairs Xboxes might buy it from you.
I am not sure if this is possible, but take your console to Play n Trade. See if they can estimate a repair cost, or even buy it from you. If they buy the console, you can use the money for a new console.
I am not sure if this is possible, but take your console to Play n Trade. See if they can estimate a repair cost, or even buy it from you. If they buy the console, you can use the money for a new console.

Good advice here. You can then buy a new and better Xbox 360 after disposing the old one. As for the problem, maybe the scratches from the discs affect the reading of the Xbox.
I agree, it's probably a waste of time to restore the old Xbox. I had given mine away to my nephew, but it broke pretty soon after. It had trouble working before I gave it away anyways. He said the PS2 that I gave him still works though, but he also has the Wii so he doesn't play as much.
I gave mine to my son but it's no good if it won't read the discs. I don't think we have a store like that near me. I'm going to Google it and see if it comes up. I'm thankful we still have a Wii and Xbox 360.
You might try calling some local stores that sell video games. They might have a customer they know of who buys old Xboxes and works on them.
I'm all about getting something for the old x-box.... Its not like we can use it. Although it does play some discs - its very odd and temperamental! I'm going to try to make a trade and get a game or 2 from turning it in.

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