Xbox One Potential modding?


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2013
After a recent question asking if the Xbox One will support mods, Major Nelson responded it's up to the developers. I'm surprised they're giving thought about implementing mod compatibility, that would be very impressive if they decided to allow it. All we can do is wish and wait.

"It's up to developers to support that," answered Microsoft's Major Nelson. "These are two very different things."

His answer suggests that the capacity for modding is there, if developers create games in a way that will support it.

Via Nowgamer
I think it's just another good way for Microsoft to develop a good reputation with the die hard gamers and developers. Microsoft seems to be trying really hard to get back into our good graces. Lol.
with all the talk of self publishing on xb1 their i always the possibility of modding or someone hacking the written program to modd games.

i am ok with it to a point.. boarderlands is a game people hack and it does not take away from the game. some use it to build stats,max out money or have rare guns they would otherwise have t play and loot for or dupe.

i am not a boarderlands hacker i have had many an opportunity to modd my game but havn't.. i have gotten some goodies from friends who do. when i get low on money they gift me some.. or if their is some ultra rare weapon id like to try but past that my skill tree is in limits no guns are modded...

so yes im ok with it and i think developers should be as well to a point. now modding a game like forza5 to give false simulation or traction/speed is a bit much it actually would give you an edge..modding cod or bf4 for auto aim or shoot thru walls or run stupid fast im against as well.
Judging from the statement, I don't think it's any different from before. Some Xbox games came with map editors and such, and that was considered 'mod tools', more or less. All Major Nelson is confirming is that if developers want to include Mod Tools as they have before, they're free to. It's just maintaining the status quo.
Yep. Be careful of the word "mod". A mod to me is something usually generated from the user community. There is no chance you will ever see that on the Xbox One. A mod to them is a map pack or a developer made add on. Even with these indie tools it is still a close ended system that people will not have that kind of access to without hacking.
Their idea of modding is certainly miles off, but from what I understand they are willing to put in stuff made by the community and then passed onto the devs? Because that could be quite neat. The gaming community has always been very active and some really good content has been produced, for example someone recently made a standalone campaign for Skyrim with over 15 hours of gameplay, with something like 30 quests and fully voice acted characters, that stuff was definitely on par with the official Bethesda DLC and this would give the opportunity to get this content over to the consoles.
Basically what others have said is what I think they truly mean aswell. It will probably be similar to what is already in play on the Xbox 360, tools a developer adds into a game to make maps and such. While it would be really neat to see the ability to make mods for console games available I doubt it will happen on either of the upcoming next-gen consoles but I guess to be completely sure we'll just have to wait and see.
Microsoft will let "modding" happen on their watch only if they can control what can and can not be done, similar to any computer running Windows. This is why many people switch over to Linux for ease and hassle free configure as you like. I would love to see the chance to mod more, but in the end either they give the go or fans get creative. I am betting on the latter.
I doubt we'll get any proper mods. Maps and crap aren't mods. Custom skins and stuff are the real deal. Like the DayZ mod for Arma II.
I was thinking about bl2 modds honestly. its more modding what you have or giving urself stuff u would normally have to work for. most people modd to get the rare guns or get the skins/heads without looting. other modd to get money,sypher crystals and other various spending.. the big cheat/modd is the skil tree where you max out skill tree or modd your guns damage or sheild recharge others have started building guns or black guns.

i am more against modding sheilds,guns or altering damage or over leveling than the others. if you dont want to play to level to 61 or whatever the cap is im ok with that but to modd to get 110 level its pointless. or to change the damage count on a gun.. i guess a long as your modding in the built game im ok once you start altering yourself above the game i think its pointless.
Wow, that''s an odd leap from being the most locked down (and not to mention hated) console in history, to potentially allowing mods -- Bethesda would love this, they've been wanting to add mod support to consoles forever. I'll believe it when i see it though, but this would be a point in Microsoft's favor
It is very exciting that they are opening up to the possibility of permitting mods, but something tells me that the excitement may be short lived. They were very vague in their answer and it is not like they openly stated "yes, we allow modding". They are not on decisive grounds. I imagine that clever developers can try to incorporate something, though, but another thing is that we do not know how high quality the professional tools are required to create modded content on par with the elements the studio have laid down. Simple things like mapping may be fine, but it would take someone with years and years of experience in 3D graphic design to mesh out the amazing visuals we will probably soon see with things like entirely different models, renders, skins, etc. It is quite frankly going out of the reach of an amateur here, but I would not be surprised if they did not even take this reasoning into consideration when they police their games.
As a hardcore PC gamer who enjoys a lot of mods, I would say, it will be freaking awesome if Microsoft allows modding. But, chances of that happening looks pretty grim to me. I won't be holding my breath :(

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