Original Xbox Problem loading game


New Member
Dec 27, 2018

Just bought a xbox original. It loads to the dashboard but it wont load games. When I select the memory option it gets choppy and freezes.

The drive can play DVDs and CDs so I think the drive is ok. I opened up and cleaned the laser.

I presume the HDD is faulty. Is there a way of repairing or replacing the HDD. The xbox isnt modded. I cant softmod as I cant load a game. How do I go about getting a backup of the software. I have a IDE reader.

This is one of the hardest things. So you want to softmod your hard drive as soon as possible, you don't technically need games to do this, you can download a Linux utility called Xbox HD maker? And install a softmod in the process.
That stuff is hard, but it is doable. The next step is to get your Xbox hard drive unlocked (YouTube around you need to solder)
And then and only then could you change the drive. It'll be a long and tedious task but it is doable.

++ if games are freezing on loading bars its usually a cache error, installing a softmod and clearing the cache could be your best bet to get games working again!
I have bought a new xbox and softmoded successfully.
I bought a Aladdin mod chip for the one with the faulty hdd. Do you need EEPROM with a hardmodded console?

If all goes well i'll have two working consoles.
If a console is hard modded usually it circumvents the troubles of a lack of softmod. Just make sure you softmod after you are done with the hard mod install

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