Xbox One Problems with internet


May 7, 2014
Is anyone else experiencing problems connecting to internet explorer? I was trying to connect to youtube and check out a few of you guys's videos, but for some reason it fails to launch. Xbox live is working fine, and everything else seems to work alright except the internet access. It just sits and loads forever.
Just rerun the test for network connection on your console so that error message is verified. If it does not connect again, the network connection troubleshooter will fix the problem for you.
I used to face the same problem but then in my case it was a connectivity issue with my wired network. Once it was fixed everything was back to normal again.
I haven't tried running IE or Edge or whatever on the One; I hate using web browsers on consoles. You can access YouTube directly through its own app, though, I think.
I usually have very smooth experiences with xbone browsing, but that could just be my ISP. Sometimes the ISP and the console don't mesh well together, as my friend has AT&T and it is significantly worse than my regional provider
I also have to admit that I've never had any issues at all with the internet connection and any of my Xboxes, but it looks and sounds like I might just have been one of the lucky ones?

I do think that that a lot of the time it's not your actually hardware but the ISP that is to blame and once you've found one that's gamer friendly, make sure you try and stick with them.
Having same issues, connecting to the internet explorer. I already reset it but I still encounter same problem it keeps on loading.