Project Scorpio

No matter what Microsoft do in regards to the new Xbox console, people are always going to find fault and so for me I think it's best just to wait and see what they come up with. As the date of release comes closer and closer, more details are going to be announced or leaked and so for now, I think it's too early to even start second guessing what they're going to come up with.
I'm eagerly waiting as to what this thing can really do when pushed to the limits. Also, I want to see what they have in store with Windows 10. The more I research about the project, the more questions are left unanswered.

As far as the XO S goes. I think it might have heating issues. The smaller a unit, the hotter it gets. The power brick is also inside the new box. So that means more heating issues. Although I commend them on the attempt I'd rather buy a used XBOXONE then a new S box.
It's obviously still early days and we will have a lot of questions that haven't been answered yet and might not even be answered till its actually released. Microsoft will try and keep the project under wraps as much as possible I would imagine but at the same time we'll get the usual leaks that aren't leaks at all but carefully planned information that's designed to keep us interested.
We still have to wait at least a full year, so we still have a lot of speculation in front of us. The only thing that has been said is that it's going to be the most powerful console to date, but at this point in time since it's launch is so far off they could say that it makes coffee and toast. How would anyone be able to disprove it.
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The speculation is no doubt going to go into overdrive as it does with any new major release, and you are right that Microsoft can come out and tell us anything at the moment and we'd have to believe them.

What they do have to be careful of though is promising people too much, and while it is going to be the most powerful console to date, I hope lessons have been learned from the Xbox ONE marketing, and it's not going to be billed as the best thing that's ever happened to the gaming industry, as all that does then is get people hopes up to high and when it is released we are left disappointed.
That is true but they also have to try and discourage people from buying the PlayStation so they do have to exaggerate a bit, but fortunately it's not Microsoft that does most of the exaggerating. So when ever there is news about a new console we have to take it with a pinch of salt, a very big pinch at that.
@pwarbi That's true, we just have to wait and see what it is going to look like by ourselves, comments are always wrong or they just support a brand more than the other, but on the other hand, they use both or they do not have neither of them, we'll see.
The speculation is no doubt going to go into overdrive as it does with any new major release, and you are right that Microsoft can come out and tell us anything at the moment and we'd have to believe them.

What they do have to be careful of though is promising people too much, and while it is going to be the most powerful console to date, I hope lessons have been learned from the Xbox ONE marketing, and it's not going to be billed as the best thing that's ever happened to the gaming industry, as all that does then is get people hopes up to high and when it is released we are left disappointed.

A case not living up to the hype! But they need to create hype around a new upcoming product. It’s free marketing. And to be honest, most of the hype is due to ‘fans’ rather than Microsoft (or any other company, in general). They are not going to come out with a statement and clarify every ridiculous claim in circulation, it’s just not possible. So if the fanbase is already too hyped, there’s little they can do or want to do.
That may be the case, and while I do understand that they aren't going to come out and comment on every bit of information that the fans are talking about, what they could do is periodically release updates as to just what we can expect to have when the console launches.

If I was the head of promotion and realised that some of the things people are expecting from the new console are way better than what it's actually going to offer, I'd want to quash the rumours as soon as possible so when it does come out, people aren't going to be expecting something that isn't achievable.
So it seems as though Phil Spencer's constant talk of "true 4k" isn't so true after all. Destiny nor Assassins Creed will run at 4k. Surely he can be held accountable for false/misleading advertisment?


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