Xbox One Quantum Break Release date


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2013
When do you think the game will be released?
I personally think the first quarter of the next year would perfect since more people will have the console thanks to Christmas.
This is probably one of the most important games coming to the X1 and the sooner they release it the more consoles they're going to sell.
I think it will be released together with Xbox One or maybe MAX month or two after. But most likely together with console release. There might even be special Quantum Break edition?
It would be great if it were to be a launch title but the is unlikely.
When asked when we might see more news about Quantum Break, Microsoft's Phil Spencer said the VGX (Spike TV Video Game Awards) would be a good place for that. It's not a confirmation, but it looks like we might get to see more of this game December 7th on the VGX. I can't wait to see more.

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