Xbox 360 Revolution DLC map pack preview - Official Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 video


Former Moderator
Jun 24, 2012
The D
Holy smokes people.I am so excited for the Revolution DLC coming for Black Ops II on January 29th! I'm so in...I think we need to have a Community Game Night in February just for the new DLC. Anyone in?

New Zombie Map / Mode / Weapon:
  • Die Rise Map - An awesome looking skyscraper zombie map with a lot of vertical drops as well.
  • Turned Mode - Play as the zombies trying to kill the lone human! Sounds like a lovely way to kill a few hours
  • Peacekeeper - A DLC weapon? Say what? A hybrid of an SMG and an assault rifle

Multiplayer Maps include:

  • Hydro - Introducing water that goes through the map? Seriously? I love it!
  • Grind - A skate park with everything curved? That could get pretty interesting and reduce a lot of hiding...
  • Downhill - A snow level! Anyone think this map looks like a mix between Estate from MW2 and Array from Black Ops?
  • Mirage - A desert level that reminds me slightly of Castle from WaW but on a way bigger scale with lots of sand (yeah, I know it's a desert)


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