Xbox 360 Rock Band 2 Achievements


New Member
Sep 25, 2012
Listed below are achievements for Rock Band 2, the second addition to the band. The achievements are equipped with the amount of achievement points and information on how to obtain them. Get your battle axe and prepare your fingers, because there's much fretwork to be had.

Rock Band 2 Achievement List

Solid Gold, Baby! (25)
Gold Star a song

And the song that you're going to "gold star" is "So What'cha Want," by the Beastie Boys. Why? Because it offers a gold star on a silver plate. There is a price though, and that is...........having to strum nothing but sets of two green notes in a 1-2 manner. Below is a visual demonstration of taking down this achivement. You can also choose this song to earn the Flawless Groove achievement. Make your way down this achievement list to see the Flawless Groove achievement as you please. Be certain to set the song on expert.

Flawless grooving

The Bachman Turner Award (25)
Maintain deployed Overdrive for 90 seconds

Isn't it rad how there's a band called "Bachman Turner Overdrive" and the developers of Rock Band bringing forth the ability to score further with what's known as "overdrive," and them combining the band and the overdrive feature to concoct an Xbox achievement? Oh.......right, onward to the method of obtaining this achievement. You can choose to work with three random players online, have a friend or two play beside you, or collaborate with a friend or two online. The main concern here is overdrive usage amongst you and others. Make sure to have a keen eye on your overdrive meter. Reserve a full meter for when another player's overdrive wears out. Then, you deploy overdrive. Be certain to use the whammy bar to sustain your overdrive meter when in overdrive mode. This is to extend the duration of your overdrive phase.

Visual aid regarding this achievement

It's also possible to earn the achievement solo

Flawless Fretwork (25)
Score 100% notes hit as a guitarist on Expert

Don't be alarmed! You have two songs to choose from for this task: "Nine in the Afternoon," by Panic! at the Disco and "Today," by Smashing Pumpkins (provided that you have Rock Band 1 songs exported). "Charlene" may be the easiest out of the liter. This song is free to download. Something to consider if Panic! at the Disco has you panicking or Smashing Pumpkins gives you the urge to want to smash something. Hahahah.....hahah.......ha.........There's something to note in "Today." In the first and only solo throughout the song, there's a quick hammer-on near the very end of the solo. If you don't get it the first time, then it's ok. Interchange the songs to avoid feeling as though working towards obtaining this achievement's a chore. Remember to choose "guitar" as your instrument and set the song of your choosing on the expert difficulty level, or it just may become a chore!

Flawless Guitar Solo (20)
100% a guitar solo on Expert, using only the solo buttons

This achievement can only be snagged via the Rock Band Fender Stratocaster guitar. It can be either the new or old design, wired or wireless. As long as it contains a second set of five colored fret buttons (aka "solo buttons"), which are located at the bottom of the fretboard. Now, the song that will deliver you this achievement with open hands. "Give it Away," by Red Hot Chili Peppers is your best bet. The solo is impossible to miss. Refer to the video below for an idea on how difficult it is.................not. Remember to choose "guitar" as your instrument and set the song of your choosing on the expert difficulty level. More importantly, remember that you must use the solo buttons, not the ones you're accustomed to.

Fast forward to 2:45 for the beginning of the solo

Flawless Drumming (25)
Score 100% notes hit as a drummer on Expert

To perform flawlessly on drums (saw what was done there?), choose "Silver," by the Pixies (provided that you have Rock Band 1 songs exported). This song, by far, is the easiest song on the expert difficulty level. There must be alittle over a dozen notes. These notes require you to hit yellow, green, and the bass pedal in unison. The notes are fairly spread out, which makes this task even more easier.............and leaves you wishing for the song to contain at least an additional small group of notes. If you haven't exported Rock Band 1 songs and don't want to bother with the process, then "Charlene" would serve as a great alternative. Remember to choose "drums" as your instrument and set the song of your choosing on the expert difficulty level.

Charlene on drums, expert difficulty

Flawless Singing (25)
Score a 100% rating as a vocalist on Expert

The easiest achievement that you can earn throughout the entire game, and arguably throughout the entire gang of Xbox 360 games. However, a headset is necessary. Place the headset next to the speaker portion of your TV and let the game do the rest! Exporting Rock Band 1 songs not required! Remember to choose "vocals" as your instrument and set the song of your choosing on the expert difficulty level.

Flawless singing made easy

Flawless Groove (25)
Score 100% notes hit as bassist, up-strums only, on Expert

As you may've read earlier in this very Rock Band 2 achievement guide, under the Solid Gold, Baby! achievement, "So What'cha Want," by the Beastie Boys would be the song of choice for this achievemtent as well. The note chart is exactly the same. Just be sure to strum only upwards. Remember to choose "bass" as your instrument and set the song of your choosing on the expert difficulty level.

Comeback Kid (15)
Defeat the last player that defeated you over Xbox LIVE in either Score Duel or Tug of War.

There are two methods for grabbing this achievement. The first method is setting the difficulty level of your opponent's song of choice on medium, losing purposely, referring to their gamercard after the match is completely over, and setting them as a "preferred player." Doing so will most likely pair you up with your former opponent when searching for other players in Score Duel or Tug of War. Score duel is fairly self-explanatory. Whichever player has the highest score wins. Tug of War is similar to actual Tug of War, minus the concern of opposing a person who's built like an ox. In Tug of War mode, there's a crowd meter. Whichever player consistently hits more notes than the other player is more than likely to be the victor. Of course, both of you must be online simultaneously for this to possibly work. If it does, then your difficulty level will remain on medium. Thus, you then have the chance to satisfy your ravenous hunger for vengeance and being the comeback kid! Perhaps this was alittle overdramatic, but the comeback kid part's no joke! Finally, the second method. The second method may be alittle easier. As long as you have a friend online that's willing to help. Assuming that they are, have them meet you in Player Match mode and coordinate with them. Let them be aware that you're going to purposely lose the first match and defeat them the next. They're more than likely to understand and comply. If the person who's helping you still has yet to be a comeback kid, then be a rockin' samaritan and show them the same courtesy! If you don't have a friend online, then try your luck at the Achievement Trading Thread. Refer to the link below.

Achievement trading thread

Victory! (15)
Defeat a player in either Score Duel or Tug of War.

Sounds simple, doesn't it? Unless you're a highly skilled player, it may take you a few tries. When going up against anyone, keep in mind that you have overdrive at your disposal. This tool is useful for either Score Duel or Tug of War. Another thing that you should know is it's vital to win the crowd in Tug of War, you Russell Crowe did in "Gladiator." Wait until your opponent uses overdrive. Once their's depletes, use your overdrive. There's actually an easier way of being victorious..........against yourself. Go into local play mode, have the second player sign in to another account, and rock yourself like a hurricane! Just don't provide details.

Band Savior (20)
Be a savior three times during a single song

The easiest way of grabbing this achievement by the b...........asket is pretending as if you're playing with two other people by your side. This is to be taken literally. Watch the video below if you have doubts. Sure, your family members and/or friends may think that you're a happy meal short or two. Make no mistake though, for this is the easiest method of being a band savior.

Saving the band solo

Overdrive Overdose (25)
Achieve an 8x Band Multiplier

The only way for you to get Overdrive Overdose is to be in a full band and have all band members (including yourself, of course) be in overdrive at the same time. You and the other three players don't have to activate overdrive simultaneously. However, this may be tricky. Others may be going for The Bachman Turner Award achievement. If you have a mic, then coordinate with them. Let them know what your goal is.

Hello Cleveland! (20)
Deploy Vocal Overdrive 4 times in a single song

You'll be doing the same exact thing as you did to get the Flawless Singing achievement. The only difference is the song of choice, thanks to "So What'cha Want" not offering the player the opportunity of going into vocal overdrive four times. The song of choice, this time, will be "Visions," by Abnormality. Step into Cookie Monster's shoes and witness his time of being a rockstar (for those who are familiar with this song)! Be sure to use your overdrive whenever you can. Remember to choose "vocals" as your instrument and set the song of your choosing on the expert difficulty level.

Million Point Club (25)
Earn more than 1,000,000 points in a single song.

Although a full band consisting of good players would be the optimal solution for getting into the Million Point Club, it's possible to accomplish such thing with three players. If you opt for the three-player route, then the song to choose would be "Teen Age Riot," by Sonic Youth. This song is quite long, so there's plenty of points to be had. You can actually afford to mess up here and there. As long as you're with good players and perform well overall, you'll earn the achievement. If you opt for the full band route, then "Hungry Like the Wolf," by Duran Duran. "So What'cha Want," by the one and only, Beasite Boys, would serve as a great alternative if you don't land 1,000,000 points in the previous song. If you have Rock Band 1 songs exported, then "Green Grass and High Tides," by the Outlaws would be just as much of a good bet as "Teen Age Riot."

You're Hired! (10)
Hire a staff member

It's been awhile since an achievement has been granted to you naturally. As you progress in tour mode, you're eventually presented with the opportunity of hiring staff members. Your first potential staff member will be an intern. Choose an intern, and ala kazam! (Shaquille O'Neal voice). Bet you didn't see that coming!

Needs More Umlauts! (10)
Make a band logo

Another achievement that doesn't require much, unless you're a graphic & web designer who extends their creativity to unimaginable lengths and desires nothing but perfection. Go into tour mode, choose your band (if you don't have one, then simply create one), access your band's profile, access the summary tab, and highlight "Logo" with a blank rounded square underneath the text. At this point, go into the new layer and choose any artist. You'll be brought to art by that artist. Choose any piece of art, accept, go to "done," and "save changes." You can always modify the band's logo to your liking at any time.

The San Dimas 4th Annual Award (15)
Compete in a Battle of the Bands event

To access a Battle of the Bands event, go into tour mode and choose your band. If you don't have one, then simply create one. From there, select "Battle of the Bands" from the menu. Battle of the Bands events alternate daily and weekly. If there's an event that you can't complete, then try another! Sooner or later, you will get the achievement. Have a keen eye on the requirements of the events. Some require a full band, while others require just a drummer or vocalist.

You Killed the Radio Star (15)
Make a music video in World Tour

This achievement will also come naturally. As you pave your way to fame in tour mode, you'll receive opportunities to be featured in a music video. The very first one arises before you're able to unlock your very own jet. If you decline, then that's fine. More opportunities, such as this one, will pop up in your favor. Although there won't be any money to be squeezed out of the music video, your fan base will increase. Oh, and of course, the achievement itself! As part of working towards this achievement, you must play whatever song is chosen by default. If you don't complete it successfully, then at least you'll have multiple chances. Go get em', radio star killer!

Clothes to the Edge (20)
Buy over $100,000 worth of items from the Rock Shop

Good news: the items within the Rock Shop that count are all types (clothing, accessories, etc). Good news: you must rack up $100,000. Bad news: it may be awhile until you accumulate that amount. The $100,000 will come as you play through tour mode. However, there are a few things to keep in mind that will gaurantee $100,000:

----Save every dollar that you make.
----The more stars that your score reflects, the more money that you'll receive. Basically, aim to 5 star each song that you play.
----There will be times where random offers "Double or Nothing" and "Quadruple or Nothing" pop up as you play. To make the best out of these offers, you must land a 5 star rating on the song which the game chooses. If you're familiar with the song and are confident that you can 5 star it, then accept the offer. You'll have a handful of more chances to earn a considerable amount of cash as you move along in tour mode.

Along for the Ride (10)
Beat an instrument-specific challenge while playing another instrument

Here, you're expected to beat an instrument-specific challenge (vocal apprentice challenge, for example) while playing the guitar (another example) or having a guitarist in the band. There are two routes that you can take for this achievement: Grab a friend or neighbor (it's fine if they've never played Rock Band before) and have them play an instrument other than your selection, or do vocals and play the guitar or bass simultaneously (for those that are musically talented or simply awesome like that). Along for the Ride doesn't care if you play on the medium difficulty setting, so adding this achievement to the collection may be easier for you.

Challenge Novice (10)
Complete either 25 challenges on Medium, 10 challenges on Hard, or 5 challenges on Expert

Just as the achievement description says. Either completing challenges solo or with other rockers will be accredited towards Challenge Novice. For a shortcut to earning this achievement, refer to Challenge Savant.

Challenge Master (15)
Complete 25 Challenges on Hard Difficulty or 10 Challenges on Expert Difficulty

Just as the achievement description says. Either completing challenges solo or with other rockers will be accredited towards Challenge Master. For a shortcut to earning this achievement , refer to Challenge Savant.

Challenge Savant (25)
Complete 25 Challenges on Expert Difficulty

Finally, the Challenge Savant achievement! This achievement's heavily linked with Challenge Novice and Challenge Master, in light that completed challenges count towards all three achievements. Respectively, if you complete 25 challenges on the expert difficulty level, then only 10 more remain. Hence you'd have less work to do as opposed to having to complete 35 challenges on the hard difficulty level (for Challenge Novice and Challenge Master) and 25 challenges on the expert difficulty level for Challenge Savant.

The Final Countdown (15)
Unlock an Impossible Challenge

*It's the fiiiiinal countdown!* *Toots horn* Oh.......right, the achievement. Just rock your way through challenges concerning a certain instrument. Eventually, you'll unlock the "impossible challenge" of that instrument.

Groove Assassin (20)
Beat the Impossible Bass Challenge

Don't be alarmed. This achievement isn't as intimidating as it sounds. You can put Groove Assassin in a bag by doing the impossible bass challenge and all of the other challenges that will obstruct you on any difficulty level. And besides, bass is easier than guitar most cases. If you have a friend online that already has this achievement, then you can go straight to the impossible bass challenge. Only one of you would have to play bass. Upon completion of the impossible challenge, you'll get Groove Assassin. Cool, isn't it! Remember that you must first play through bass challenges until the impossible bass challenge is unlocked.

Lord of the Strings (25)
Beat the Impossible Guitar Challenge

Ok, now you can start worrying. Just kidding! You can actually be Lord of the Strings by playing on any difficulty level, similarly to being a Groove Assassin. Your only concern for getting this achievement should be "Green Grass and High Tides," by the Outlaws, mainly due to the song's duration. If you have a friend online that already has this achievement, then you can go straight to the impossible guitar challenge. Only one of you would have to play guitar. Upon completion of the impossible challenge, you'll get Lord of the Strings. Cool, isn't it! Remember that you must first play through guitar challenges until the impossible guitar challenge is unlocked.

Stage Igniters (25)
Beat the Impossible Band Challenge

Fortunately, a full band isn't required for this achievement. To layer the cake with icing and a shiny cherry (or an other shiny fruit of your choice) ontop, playing on any difficulty level counts towards the achievement. You can either play the impossible band challenge online with a friend who already has Stage Igniters, or work your way towards the impossible band challenge and complete it solo. If you decide to go solo, then at least two band members must perform. Be sure to use the microphone trick that's shown in the video for gripping the Flawless Singing achievement. Choose to play either guitar or bass, set the difficulty level that you're most comfortable with, and ignite that stage! Remember that you must first play through band challenges until the impossible band challenge is unlocked.

AN-I-MAL!!! (25)
Beat the Impossible Drum Challenge

Refer to Groove Assassin and Lord of the Strings. The only change, here, is the instrument.

Virtuoso (25)
Beat the Impossible Vocal Challenge

Refer to Groove Assassin and Lord of the Strings. The only change, here, is the instrument. If you're having trouble with vocals, then keep these two words in mind: microphone trick. Must any more be said?

West Coast Performer (10)
Play a set on the West Coast of North America

Just like any other band who travels around the globe in hopes of promoting their new album or increasing their overall appeal, yours will be touring as well. As you blow the speakers off of one geographical location after another, other parts of the world will be open to you. You'll also have more sets available. What's a tour without playing a set of songs! For the sake of snagging the achievement, only one completed set is required. Play a set in either San Francisco, Seattle, or Los Angeles to snag West Coast Performer.

Heartland Performer (10)
Play a set in Middle America

Refer to West Coast Performer. The only change, here, is the city you'll be performing at. Complete a set in either Austin or Chicago to snag this achievement.

East Coast Performer (10)
Play a set on the East Coast of North America

Refer to West Coast Performer. The only change, here, is the city you'll be performing at. Complete a set in either Boston, New York, or Montreal to snag this achievement.

God Save the Band (10)
Play a set in the United Kingdom

Complete any set in London. As an eye-talian would say, "Badabing badaboom."

Western Europe Performer (10)
Play a set in Western Europe

Refer to West Coast Performer. The only change, here, is the city you'll be performing at. Complete a set in either Paris, Madrid, or Rome to snag this achievement.

Eastern European Performer (10)
Play a set in Eastern Europe

Refer to West Coast Performer. The only change, here, is the city you'll be performing at. Complete a set in either Berlin, Dublin, or Stockholm to snag this achievement.

Worldwide Sensation (25)
Gain access to every venue in the world

It's as simple as it sounds, really. Each venue requires a certain number of stars, fans, or mode of transportation for it to be accessible. Fulfill such requirements, and the venue will be unlocked. Feel free to play on any difficulty level, because you'll have every venue accessible to you one way or another. To review how many stars that you need until a venue unlocks, navigate through the world map and highlight the locked venue. Refer to Road Dog to see how that achievement is linked with this one.

Road Dog (30)
Play in every venue in the world

Nothing much to say for this achievement. One thing to note is you only have to complete one set in every venue to get this achievement. Another important thing to be aware of is it's best to go for the Road Dog achievement after you have access to all venues. As you unlock venues, their requirements will be higher.

One Million Fans (30)
Reach 1 million fans in World Tour

It's time to get out of that nasty habit you've developed, you know........the one where you can play on any difficulty level and get that achievement. To get 1,000,000 fans, consider the following:

----The higher the difficulty level that you play songs on, the more fans that you'll receive.
----Each staff member contains permanent bonuses that effect the amount of money or fans that you earn from your performances. Observe their bonuses, especially the effect they have on fans. Keep in mind that the bonuses are effective as long as that staff member's currently hired.
----There will be moments where a random offer pops up. This offer can give you the opportunity to earn more money or more fans.

Open Road (20)
Win a Bus in World Tour

As you increasingly become notorious and wealthy in tour mode, you'll eventually be granted the chance to win a bus for worthy performance. Complete the required setlist, and the bus is yours.

Got Wheels (20)
Win a Van in World Tour

Refer to Open Road. The only exception is this will be the very first means of transportation that you'll earn. Less work may also be existent here. Once you acquire about 20 stars, access your world map and locate an icon with a bus symbol. Go to that location, complete the required setlist containing 3 or 4 songs, and say goodbye to hitchhiking!

Jet Setter (20)
Win a Jet in World Tour

Refer to Open Road. A jet sounds nice right now, doesn't it? Complete a setlist titled "No Pain, No Plane" and you'll be flying in no time!

Beat It! (10)
Complete all beats at 60 BPM or higher or half of the beats at 140 BPM or higher

Refer to The Beat Goes On.

The Beat Goes On (20)
Complete all beats at 100 BPM or higher or half of the beats at 180 BPM or higher

To do more work, or not to do more work? That, is the question. This cliche never gets old! Aaaaaaaaaaanyway, it's best to just take the second route (complete half of the beats at 180 BPM or higher). Get a friend or family member in on the action by having them operate the bass pedal while you hog up the action with the drums and cymbals. Inform the bass pedal operator that they must only focus on the yellow bar that appears on the screen, and to not hit the pedal until it reaches the row of colored buttons. If all else fails, then at least you have the option of completing all beats at 100 BPM or higher. Following either method will unlock both the Beat It! and The Beat Goes On achievements.

Fill Me In (10)
Complete all fills at 60 BPM or higher or half of the fills at 140 BPM or higher

Refer to Fill Legend.

Fill Legend (20)
Complete all fills at 100 BPM or higher or half of the fills at 180 BPM or higher

This achievement's fairly similar to The Beat Goes On, except it may be easier. To become a Fill Legend, all that's expected of you is to score a 100% on every fill without overhitting any drum pads. A glowing green note is an indication that the fill's on the verge of ending. Try to keep your eyes focused on that as well, to help avoid hitting more notes than not needed. Attempt to take the quicker route (complete half of the fills at 180 BPM or higher) first. If this route becomes a huge obstacle for you, then complete all fills at 100 BPM. Following either path will unlock both the Fill Me In and Fill Legend achievements.

Secret Achievements

Buy A Real Instrument Already! (35)
Beat an "Impossible" Challenge with all players on Expert Difficulty

Since it's mandatory that you must play on the expert difficulty level, bass would be your best bet as far as the instrument of choice is concerned. A few other concerns are:

----"Panic Attack," by Dream Theater
----"Painkiller," by Judas Priest
----"Visions," by Abnormality

The listed songs above may prove to be tricky on bass. But, compared to the guitar, you won't have much trouble. If you feel some kind of god-like power rushing through your veins, or are just that good, then choose guitar as your instrument. Remember that you're only required to play one impossible challenge to get the achievement.

Rock Immortal Inductee (20)
Joined the Rolling Stone Rock Immortals list

Although this achievement may appear to be slightly intimidating, it's fairly easy to earn. As you progress in tour mode, you'll be given the opportunity to perform in Shanghai. This is once you hired all staff members, have all means of transportation, and have enough stars and fans. The setlist that you're required to play in Shanghai is the last one of the game. Complete it triumphantly, and you're alongside other rock immortals! Not literally, but hey, at least you get the achievement.........right?

Vinyl Artist (20)
Finished the Endless Setlist 2 in World Tour on Medium

Alright, so you're now a rock immortal. What else is there left for you to rock? More setlists! More importantly, the Endless Setlist 2. To unlock this colossal set (contains 84 songs and takes 6-7 hours to complete), continue playing regularly. You'll eventually unlock it. Feel free to choose an instrument that you're most comfortable with. You're more than likely to obtain Vinyl Artist regardless. Refer to The Bladder of Steel Award to see how it's linked with achievement.

Gold Artist (30)
Finished the Endless Setlist 2 in World Tour on Hard

This is where there's risk involved. If you fail a song, then you can retry it as many times as you wish. However, the price is a loss in the number of your fans. For guitarists, songs will enforce orange notes. The safest route to take for being a Gold Artist is bass. Before diving into the Endless Setlist 2, go into quickplay mode and observe the hardest songs in the yard. Under each song, there are four difficulty meters. Each one's assigned to an instrument. The higher the meter, the more difficult the song is when playing that instrument. Refer to The Bladder of Steel Award to see how it's linked with this achievement.

Platinum Artist (50)
Finished the Endless Setlist 2 in World Tour on Expert

The risks that were previously involved have just gotten greater; expert mode, loss of fans, and possibly having to rely on others to save you from failing a song. If you still have godly powers surging through your body, or maintain superior skills on a plastic guitar, then go get em'! Otherwise, practice playing songs that you know are difficult prior to going into the Endless Setlist 2. Some songs that you may want to practice are:

----"Panic Attack," by Dream Theater
----"Painkiller," by Judas Priest
----"Visions," by Abnormality
----"Bodhisatva," by Steely Dan

Otherwise, attempt to perform the tedious task of finding band members or friends online that are willing to help you. You can also try and find a skilled local friend or family member. Hopefully, they'd be willing to help. Whoever's going to assist you, you'll be relying on them to be your savior when the time comes. Refer to The Bladder of Steel Award to see how it's linked with this achievement.

The Bladder of Steel Award (25)
Completed the Endless Setlist 2 without pausing or failing

Besides kegels being beneficial towards your health, The Bladder of Steel Award will also benefit greatly from this exercise. You might think that this is a joke. Rest assured, kegels don't joke around when your bladder's concerned. So, you have kegels as part of your arsenal, and finding a band member or two to be your savior whenever you fail. They can also switch out with you if you can't be the master of your own bladder. Another critical thing to keep in mind is when you or your brave and awesome assistant(s) want to use overdrive, tilt the guitar. Don't press any buttons to activate overdrive; you just might accidentally pause the game. Remember that the Endless Setlist 2 contains 84 songs and may take 6-7 hours to complete. With that being said, do your best to wake up bright and early on an open weekend (not having to do much of anything else). Good luck, and may steel be with your bladder (tried making a Star Wars reference. It turned out to not seem kosher)!
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