Xbox 360 Rock Band Achievements


New Member
Sep 25, 2012
So, you've been dreaming of becoming a rock star. Dream no further, because Rock Band will give buyers of the game and its plastic instruments more of a feel of being a rock star as opposed to listening to N.E.R.D's single, "Rock Star." Another thing that's cool is the Xbox version of Rock Band has achievements, unlike the Playstation 3 version. Why? Who cares! We're discussing the Xbox version of Rock Band here. With that being said, below is a list of achievements that you can earn for Rock Band, along with information on how to obtain them.

Rock Band Achievement List

Breakthrough Act (10)
Unlock a Big Club in Solo Tour on Easy, Medium, Hard or Expert

It's time to get your feet wet! It's certainly not wise to get your instrument wet. If the drums is your instrument of choice, then you may be excluded from that hazard. Upon completing the first two setlists successfully on any difficulty level, you'll earn this achievement for your Breakthrough Act. Note that each setlist contains approximately 5 songs and you must play in career mode to receive credit towards the achievement.

Hot Artist (10)
Unlock a Theater in Solo Tour on Easy, Medium, Hard or Expert

Your feet are now wet..............and hopefully dry. Who needs wet feet, honestly? (Dr. Evil voice). Complete an additional two setlists successfully on any difficulty level and you'll become a Hot Artist, plus earn the achievement! How cool is that.........or rather how hot is that! Note that each setlist contains approximately 5 songs and you must play in career mode to receive credit towards the achievement.

Top Artist (10)
Unlock an Arena in Solo Tour on Medium, Hard or Expert

Don't let the heat get to your head. You may be a hot artist, but not a Top Artist. Saw what was done there? You're a hot artist. As a result of being "hot," you're figuratively bursting in flames. Therefore, it's difficult for heat to not reach your head. Hahahah.....hahah.....haaaaa *laughter slowly fades to nothingness.* Aaaaaanyway, complete an additional two setlists successfully on medium, hard, or expert and the achievement's yours. Remember that each setlist contains approximately 5 songs and you must play in career mode to receive credit towards the achievement.

String Shredder (20)
Finish Guitar Solo Tour on Easy

Refer to Lord of the Strings to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one.

Fret Ripper (30)
Finish Guitar Solo Tour on Medium

Refer to Lord of the Strings to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one.

Axe Assassin(40)
Finish Guitar Solo Tour on Hard

Refer to Lord of the Strings to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one.

Lord of the Strings (50)
Finish Guitar Solo Tour on Expert

At first, you started out as dirt. Then, you became a hot artist. Soon after that (provided that you had more time to spare to continue taking down setlist after setlist), you evolved into a top artist. There are accolades far beyond your current stature, such as this one................which lays in Mount Doom. Just kidding, but seriously, judging by the songs that you're required to surpass to become Lord of the Strings, it may feel as though you climbed up a towering mountain. Lets take a look at some of these monsters:

"Foreplay/Long Time," by Boston - One major concern about this song is the second solo. The first solo is just a taste of what's in storage. The second solo contains hammer-ons/pulloffs that are more fast.

"Flirtin' with Disaster," by Molly Hatchet - The hammer-ons/pulloffs which this song contains may be alittle tricky. However, what's considerably noteworthy about Molly Hatchet is the solo that's implemented in this song. It's lengthy and.....well......just look at the video!

"Run to the Hills," by Iron Maiden - You really should run to the hills. After all, Maiden's involved! Respectively, this song's made of nothing more than triplets, an insane solo, and the part after the solo (yellow and orange chords).

"Green Grass and High Tides," by the Outlaws - If "Freebird" were to have a baby, then "Green Grass and High Tides" would be it. Must anything further be said? For those of you who aren't familiar with Freebird's note chart and/or the length of the song, it's lengthy and has the upmost potential of giving you blisters on your fingers.

Look on the bright side, at least you get the following achievements for completing solo career mode on expert:

----String Shredder
----Fret Ripper
----Axe Assassin

In summary, practice playing songs that are obstructing you from being Lord of the Strings! If you wish to give up on this achievement, then complete solo career mode on hard to at least get the three corresponding achievements.

Rhythm Rocker (20)
Finish Drum Solo Tour on Easy

Refer to AN-I-MAL!!! to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one.

Groove Technician (30)
Finish Drum Solo Tour on Medium

Refer to AN-I-MAL!!! to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one.

Heavy Hitter (40)
Finish Drum Solo Tour on Hard

Refer to AN-I-MAL!!! to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one.

AN-I-MAL!!! (50)
Finish Drum Solo Tour on Expert

If you manage to get this achievement, then you truly are an a non-human sense. Actually, AN-I-MAL!!! would be much more easier if you manage to find someone that's willing to touch the place (bass pedal) where your foot has gone to numerous times. There's also taking a break every once in awhile, perhaps one break for every 4 songs or so. Another factor that may contribute to obtaining the achievement is the way the drumsticks are held. There's more than one way to hold a pair of drumsticks as there's more than one way to eat a reese's. Experiement with the way that you hold the drumsticks and observe how they effect your performance. Furthermore, it may be beneficial for you to mod your drums. This includes the drums themselves and the bass pedal, as shown below:

Jack Nickelson (saw what was done there) in your drums! (for EL models only)

Put a sock on it! (for QM models only)

If you like it, then you shoulda puta penny on it. Beyonce, get off of my computer! Apologies. She meant to say "you should consider enforcing two pennies on it."

Collectively, noone has to necessarily perform the menial task of being the bass pedal player............unless you're cruel and seeking personal amusement. The last remaining tips for being an AN-I-MAL!!! are the same as those for the Lord of the Strings achievement:

----Practice playing songs that turn out to obstruct you. A couple that may pose as a challenge are "Run to the Hills," by Iron Maiden and "Won't Get Fooled Again," by The Who. There may be more.
----Take a break from the expert difficulty level for awhile and lower the difficulty level to hard. Keep in mind that this achievement behaves like Lord of the Strongs; completing solo career mode on hard will earn you Rhythm Rocker, Groove Technician, and Heavy Hitter.

Howler (20)
Finish Vocal Solo Tour on Easy

Refer to Virtuoso to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one.

Screamer (30)
Finish Vocal Solo Tour on Medium

Refer to Virtuoso to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one.

Crooner (40)
Finish Vocal Solo Tour on Hard

Refer to Virtuoso to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one.

Finish Vocal Solo Tour on Expert

This achievement may not be as difficult as one may think. In fact, William Hung could get by with his musical prowess! You don't even have to sing per se, as shown below:

Gospel singers, eat your heart out!

If you're going to use this method, then be sure to match the pitch of the notes as closely as possible. It doesn't have to be perfect. Actually knowing the lyrics to a song and how they're sung is a major bonus. Everything may feel like more of a breeze. You'd also probably gain a more enjoyable gaming experience. Let's face it, imitating the sound of a car engine's bound to get tedious. However, if there's a song that's preventing you from being a Virtuoso, then hum away! If playing the game on expert is too difficult for you, then take a break from the expert difficulty level for awhile and lower the difficulty level to hard. Completing solo career mode on hard will earn you Howler, Screamer, and Crooner.

Got Wheels (20)
Unlock the Van in Band World Tour

Hitching rides while being a pack mule for your music gear can get mentally and physically exhausting. Not to worry, because you'll be granted your first means of transportation.............after you receive an invite to perform at a rock-off. This gig (indicated on the world map by a symbol resembling a van) will be available shortly in the game, as you make progress. Complete the songs that the gig requires you to play, and both the van and Got Wheels achievement are yours.

Note: If you lack an additional band member other than yourself, then use your microphone. You don't have to sing whilst playing another instrument, unless you're that good. If you're not musically talented in this sense, then set the difficulty level on vocals to easy and rock on with your bandmates...........I mean.......yourself. Hey, it's all good! At least the concern for having dead weight is absent.

Open Road (20)
Unlock the Bus in Band World Tour

Now that you have a van to do all of the schlepping for you, why not shoot for an upgraded set of wheels? Similarly to the Got Wheels achievement, you'll receive an invite to perform at a rock-off (indicated on the world map by a symbol resembling a bus) somewhere along the lines in your band's career. Complete the songs that the gig requires you to play, and both the Open Road achievement and bus are yours. Refrain from throwing anyone under it! Hahahah.......hahah........ha....

Note: If you lack an additional band member other than yourself, then use your microphone. You don't have to sing whilst playing another instrument, unless you're that good. If you're not musically talented in this sense, then set the difficulty level on vocals to easy and rock on with your bandmates...........I mean.......yourself. Hey, it's all good! At least the concern for having dead weight is absent.

Jet Setter (20)
Unlock the Jet in Band World Tour

Just when you thought that you had all of the means of transportation one could ask for; a bus with claustrophobic bunk beds, a narrow pathway, one refridgerator full of beer and junk food, and two little seating/eating areas. Oh yeah, and a bus driver. There is one step above a bus; a jet. Who wouldn't want to travel to their destination in a matter of a few hours as opposed to driving and having to constantly make food stops! Continue to pave your way through band world tour mode and eventually, you'll receive an invite to perform at a rock-off (indicated on the world map by a symbol resembling a plane). Complete the songs that the gig requires you to play, and both the jet and Jet Setter achievement are yours. Keep in mind that the pilots must not be under the influence of alcohol whatsoever.

Note: If you lack an additional band member other than yourself, then use your microphone. You don't have to sing whilst playing another instrument, unless you're that good. If you're not musically talented in this sense, then set the difficulty level on vocals to easy and rock on with your bandmates...........I mean.......yourself. Hey, it's all good! At least the concern for having dead weight is absent.

One Million Fans (10)
Reach 1 million fans in Band World Tour

The most efficient way to accomplish this is to play the game strictly on either hard or expert. It would be much easier if you play all songs on expert, since the number of fans that you receive is dependent on how well you perform (score and amount of stars). Another vital thing to note is each difficulty has a limit on the maximum number of fans you can receive when playing on that difficulty level. You can receive a maximum of 600,000 fans on hard, whereas expert has no fan cap. Theoretically, playing on expert throughout the entire band world tour would net you 1,000,000 fans naturally. However, if there's a song that's being a pain like last night's mexican food, then play that song on hard. As long as you mostly play on expert, you're gauranteed 1,000,000 and the achievement.

Note: If you lack an additional band member other than yourself, then use your microphone. You don't have to sing whilst playing another instrument, unless you're that good. If you're not musically talented in this sense, then set the difficulty level on vocals to easy and rock on with your bandmates...........I mean.......yourself. Hey, it's all good! At least the concern for having dead weight is absent.

Hall of Fame Inductee (100)
Finish the Hall of Fame Induction in Band World Tour

Alright Lord of the Strings, it's time to see how lordly you truly are. Oh wait, nevermind. You've already proven yourself to Molly Hatchet, the Outlaws, Metallica, Blue Oyster Cult, The Who, Boston, Deep Purple, and Rush. With that being said, this achievement may feel like a walk in the park for you. Realistically speaking, it's recommended that you choose an instrument you're most comfortable with and skilled in. The lowest difficulty that the required 8-song setlist allows you to play on is medium. Therefore, someone must sing. If you don't have a bandmate other than yourself, then you may have to step up to the plate, provided that you've tried searching endlessly for a vocalist online. Consider playing bass while singing. Be certain that both instruments are set to the medium difficulty level! If you're just that talented, then........well.......such a small plate that may be. Once you obtain 450 stars and have a PR firm, the setlist will be available in Moscow. It'll be indicated by a gold record symbol. Good luck, and may the schwartz......ummm.........force be with you.

Vinyl Artist (10)
Finish the Endless Setlist in Band World Tour on Medium

Refer to Platinum Artist to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one.

Gold Artist (20)
Finish the Endless Setlist in Band World Tour on Hard

Refer to Platinum Artist to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one.

Platinum Artist (25)
Finish the Endless Setlist in Band World Tour on Expert

The Endless Setlist strikes again! The best part about it is you don't have to worry about pausing the game purposely or accidentally for the Bladder of Steel achievement, because no such achievement exists for Rock Band 1! Try not to get too excited. When one evil's vanquished, another spawns. In this case, evils. Iron Maiden's "Run to the Hills," the Outlaw's single "Green Grass and High Tides," and Boston's "Foreplay/Longtime" are just a few to name. It may be wise to take challenging songs to quickplay mode for practice prior to diving into the Endless Setlist. Remember that at least two band members (including yourself) are required to move onward to the Endless Setlist, since it's band world tour. If you fail to find another player, then resort to the vocals/bass combo as you may've did for the Hall of Fame Inductee achievement. The Endless Setlist becomes accessible to you once the Hall of Fame setlist is completed. It'll be located in Moscow, and represented by a platinum record symbol. The Endless Setlist can take anywhere between 4 1/2 to 6 hours to complete, depending on how many breaks you and your band take and the duration of the them. Once you complete the Endless Setlist, you'll have the Platinum Artist achievement, as well as Vinyl Artist and Gold Artist. How do you like them apples! They would've tasted much sweeter if Platinum Artist was worth at least 30 achievement points........

For further tips and advice regarding the Endless Setlist, refer to Lord of the Strings, AN-I-MAL!!!, and Virtuoso. Read under the achievement that's in accordance to the instrument of your choosing.

Big In London (10)
Finish the last remaining gig in London (Band World Tour)

Throughout the world, there are different locations where you and your band must make a stop at and complete the very last remaining setlist. Each location may consist of multiple venues, and each venue may consist of multiple setlists. Complete each setlist of all venues under every location and you'll earn the achievement pertaining to said location. You're not required to 5-star songs here. If you do, then great! Apply every single thing that you've read and learned towards the task of blowing out the world's speakers! Remember, if you're unsuccessful in finding a bandmate, then it's back to the good ol' vocals/bass combo. You want those achievements, don't ya?

Big In Paris (10)
Finish the last remaining gig in Paris (Band World Tour)

Refer to Big In London to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one. And while you're in Paris, be sure to have a baguette while sitting on a bench or lawn infront of the Eiffel Tower, you have the most authentic experience possible.

Big In Amsterdam (10)
Finish the last remaining gig in Amsterdam (Band World Tour)

Must more be said about Amsterdam? Just watch "Deuce Bigalow: European Jigalo" or "Eurotrip." Refer to Big In London to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one.

Big In Berlin (10)
Finish the last remaining gig in Berlin (Band World Tour)

Ever wanted to attend a bar and drink a nice cold beer in Berlin? You'll get your chance to do so..............once you complete the required setlists in this city. Why feel intimidated, you ask? For starters, the drunken city of Berlin is a lengthy setlist where you can only play on hard mode. This implies that you must either find another player to do the vocal work or be the vocalist yourself. One song to look out for is "Foreplay/Long Time," by Boston. Once you get past this long setlist, you can revert back to any difficulty level for the other setlists. Refer to Big In London to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one.

Big In Stockholm (10)
Finish the last remaining gig in Stockholm (Band World Tour)

Swedish meatballs, anyone? And perhaps, you may bump into Alexander Skarsgard, aka "Eric Northman" in the HBO series, "True Blood." Other than that, nothing major to be aware of in Stockholm. Refer to Big In London to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one.

Big In Rome (10)
Finish the last remaining gig in Rome (Band World Tour)

You lucky bum, you. While I'm typing and sprucing up this achievement guide, you have the privilege of roaming the streets of Rome. Hah, saw what was done there.........But yeah, don't leave Rome unless you've had some wine and taken advantage of its historical sites. Keep in mind that you can still set the vocals and instrument of your choice on any difficulty level, provided that you were unsuccessful in finding a bandmate. Refer to Big In London to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one.

Big In Boston (10)
Finish the last remaining gig in Boston (Band World Tour)

Maiden and Boston (band) strike again! You must face "Run to the Hills" and "Foreplay/Longtime" once again. Oh wait, you can still play on easy mode. My bad! With that being said, those two songs shouldn't give you a difficult time. Refer to Big In London to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one.

Big In NYC (10)
Finish the last remaining gig in New York (Band World Tour)

Ah, the capital of America. Nothing much can be said other than NYC being the most notorious city throughout the world. Before you enjoy what this city has to offer, you must complete a setlist containing 18 songs. This is another setlist that requires you to play strictly on hard mode. Try to find an actual player before resorting to the bass/vocals combo. It's always beneficial to have another player rocking by your side. "Run to the Hills" will be in this setlist *sigh* once again. Refer to Big In London to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one.

Big In Chicago (10)
Finish the last remaining gig in Chicago (Band World Tour)

Home of the deep-dish pizza! Relax and have some, for you can return to singing on easy while strumming your bass/guitar on whichever difficulty you choose. Refer to Big In London to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one.

Big In LA (10)
Finish the last remaining gig in Los Angeles (Band World Tour)

Nothing of major concern in the glamorous city of LA. However, you may want to play at your best. Tom Cruise might be watching you from afar. If your performance is rad, then he may recommend you to be featured in a possible Rock of Ages sequel! Refer to Big In London to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one.

Big In Japan (10)
Finish the last remaining gig in Tokyo (Band World Tour)

No need to tune into Tokyo! Instead, you must rock through the following songs:

----"Foreplay/Longtime," by Foreigner

----"Green Grass and High Tides," by the Outlaws
----"Highway Star," by Deep Purple
----"Flirtin' with Disaster," by Molly Hatchet
----"Won't Get Fooled Again," by The Who
----"Run to the Hills," by Iron Maiden

----"Orange Crush," by R.E.M
----"Wanted Dead or Alive," by Bon Jovi
----"Should I Stay or Should I Go," by The Clash
----"Wave of Mutilation," by Pixies
----"Tom Sawyer," by Rush
----"Run to the Hills"

----"Highway Star"
----"Flirtin' with Disaster"
----"Train Kept a Rollin'," by Aerosmith
----"Run to the Hills"
----"Green Grass and High Tides"

As displayed in a particular fashion above, Tokyo is composed of one venue with a total of four setlists...........four pain in the arse setlists. At least you're no stranger to the songs mentioned in the setlist breakdown, especially since you're required to play a majority of them 2-3 times! As always, try your best to look for another fellow rocker. If all else fails, then put on your Phil Collins shoes and sing whilst playing the drums or the instrument that you're most proficient in. Refer to Big In London to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one.

Big In Sydney (10)
Finish the last remaining gig in Sydney (Band World Tour)

*Phew* the previous city must've put major stress on your mind...........and hand. There's nothing of huge concern in Sydney, so take it easy on yourself and lower the difficulty alittle if you feel inclined to do so. Refer to Big In London to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one.

Big In Reykjavik (10)
Finish the last remaining gig in Reykjavik (Band World Tour)

Although Maiden's famous single (I'm confident that you know which one's being referred to here) is included in one of four setlists under Reykjavik, it can be played on easy mode. In fact, the shorter setlists can all be played on easy or higher. The longest setlist out of the gang must be played on medium or higher. Find another player to do these setlists with or its Phil Collins time! Refer to Big In London to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one.

Big In Rio de Janeiro (10)
Finish the last remaining gig in Rio de Janeiro (Band World Tour)

Beware of the 8-random song setlist in this city. Just kidding! All band members must play on at least the medium difficulty level in order to complete this setlist. Therefore, it shouldn't be much of an obstruction. If you have no choice but to wear those Phil Collins shoes, then make sure that there are no holes on the bottom of the shoes. Seriously though, resort to the bass/vocals combo or instrument of choice/vocals. Refer to Big In London to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one.

Big In Moscow (10)
Finish the last remaining gig in Moscow (Band World Tour)

You've finally reached big Russia. Wondering what took you so long to arrive at this city? Two words: Platinum Artist. Also, refer to Big In London to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one.

Tug of War Champ (30)
Win 20 Tug of War ranked matches

Finally, we've reached the online achievements section! Unfortunately, they may be difficult to obtain, knowing how old Rock Band 1 is n' all. If you happen to already have a friend online who has Rock Band 1, then you're in good hands...........not Allstate's hands. If you don't have a friend online that has a copy of the game, then try your luck at the "achievement trading thread" below:

Achievement trading thread

There are a few important things to know about the Tug of War Champ achievement:

----You can't play against yourself. You must play against an actual player.
----A player disconnecting or quitting during a match don't count as a win for the other player. The match is completed once the song ends and both players are still in the match.
----A tie also doesn't count as a win.

Coordinate with the person you found on the achievement trading thread, or your online buddy. If they already have the achievements, and are willing to help, then don't concern yourself with making any arrangements. If the other player doesn't, then communicate with them. Both of you have a few ways of going about doing this:

----Other player allows you to purposely defeat them 5 times consecutively for the Tug of War Streak and Score Duel Streak achievements. Afterwards, you return the favor. Other player allows you to purposely defeat them 15 more times for the Tug of War Champ and Score Duel Champ achievements. Afterwards, you return the favor.
----You get defeated first. Other person takes your place afterwards.
----Other player allows you to purposely defeat them 20 times for the Tug of War Champ and Score Duel Champ achievements. Afterwards, you return the favor.
----You get defeated first. Other person takes your place afterwards.
----Other player allows you to purposely defeat them 5 times consecutively. Afterwards, you return the favor. Other player allows you to defeat them again 5 times consecutively. You return the favor again. Keep at this pace until both of you reach 20 wins.

Be sure to choose multiplayer mode, followed by "Tug of War" and/or "Score Duel."

Tug of War Streak (20)
Win 5 Tug of War ranked matches in a row

Refer to Tug of War Champ to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one.

Score Duel Champ (30)
Win 20 Score Duel ranked matches

Refer to Tug of War Champ to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one.

Score Duel Streak (20)
Win 5 Score Duel ranked matches in a row

Refer to Tug of War Champ to see how that achievement's affiliated with this one.

Killer Performance (10)
Five Star a song on Easy, Medium, Hard or Expert

Just when you thought that you'd never catch a break. This achievement's more than likely to unlock naturally as you progress through solo or tour mode. Depending on your skill, it may unlock after the very first song that you play. Don't be attentive to the top right corner where your score and star rating are displayed. Focus on nothing but the notes scrolling vertically from up to down on your screen, and try to hit as many notes as possible. This should be as easy as cake, pie, or whatever dessert you adore so much........let alone that you can choose to play a song on easy or medium. If you do, then there's no excuse for you not receiving a 5 star rating on that song.

Flawless Groove (10)
Score 100% notes hit as bassist, up-strums only, on Expert

And your song of choice for earning this achievement is "Charlene", by Stephen and the Colberts. It's a free downloadable song, is relatively short, and has the Flawless Groove achievement with your name on it! Just up-strum for exactly 1 minute and 15 seconds and it's yours.

Flawless Drumming (10)
Score 100% notes hit as a drummer on Expert

"Polly," by Nirvana would be the prime choice here. Warning: Song contains only 3 actual notes to hit and may cause boredom. However, you're gauranteed the achievement with very little work done on your part. "Polly" is available for download at a price of 160 MSP. If you desire a song that's challenging compared to this one and requires you to actually play, then "Charlene" would be your best bet. Warning: Although this song contains more notes and expects constant movement of the feet and arms, it's fairly easy altogether. Just be glad that these two songs are here for you!

Flawless Fretwork (10)
Score 100% notes hit as a guitarist on Expert

Your best bet would be one of the songs in the first tier in solo tour mode. You can see the songs being played below, once you click on the links:

"Say It Ain't So," by Weezer

"Maps," by Yeah Yeah Yeahs

If one song's giving you trouble, then take a break from that one and try the other. You'll get the achievement in due time.

Flawless Singing (10)
Score a 100% rating as a vocalist on Expert

This is undeniably the easiest achievement one can bag. The song of choice is just as short and easy as "Charlene." It's by Jane's Addiction, and the title of the song is "Thank You Boys!" It's available for download at a price of 160 MSP. Refer to the link below for some amusement:

So easy, that even a cat can sing it

Riding on Coattails (5)
Play with a "Platinum Artist"

Now that your short break from working tirelessly for those achievements has reached its end, it's back to the pain in the arse achievements. Riding on Coattails may be a pain in the arse due to Rock Band 1's drastically decreased popularity. You may want to refer to the achievement trading thread for this one as well. If you're irish, then your luck may just kick in as someone with platinum artist status bumps into you. You and the platinum artist can play on any multiplayer mode (Tug of War, Score Duel, or Quickplay) to qualify for the achievement. Remember that you must successfully complete the song of choice on the expert difficulty level to earn it. Win or lose, you'll still earn the achievement.
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