Xbox 360 Rock Band Reviews


Aug 26, 2012
Below you can find the reviews for Rock Band. If you have any questions that the reviews didn't answer, start a new thread on the forum. Played the game already? Rate it above and tell us why you did or didn’t like it. Better yet, write your own user review!

5 out of 5 - Gamespy
Read the full review here: Direct Link
It's an experience like no other in videogames, and it's amazingly realized considering it's really the first time anyone's tried it.

9.4 out of 10 - IGN
Read the full review here: Direct Link
Rock Band is a great game. The presentation elements are top-notch and take music games to a new level; consider the bar raised. Though there are three separate solo careers, Rock Band is best experienced with a group of friends.
5 out of 5 from me. When this game came out, i remember running home from school to play it with my friend down the street. He got it right when it came out, and i didn't get it until Christmas, so we would play it there. That game was the shit. I wish i hadn't smashed my drums apart inadvertently.

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