Xbox One Rumor: Xbox One Sexist Letter


Active Member
Nov 26, 2013
Has anyone heard about a letter Microsoft drafted that was meant to help one partner convince their significant other about how good of an investment the Xbox One is? Apparently there were some sexist default phrases in it ("I know, I know, you'd rather be knitting than watching me kill zombies...") and now Microsoft is catching flack for it. Thoughts?
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That's so funny-I hadn't heard of that! Apparently Microsoft had a "letter generator" that people could use to try and "convince" their significant other to get a controller and play Xbox One with them. Yes, I can see where people are labeling it sexist, but I'm sure they were just trying to be humorous and meant it tongue in cheek. It doesn't bother me at all, but I'm sure others were super pissed about it!

Online outcry was sparked by an Xbox.comweb page that generated for owners of the new console an email to convince their non-gaming loved ones to pick up a controller and start playing.Different wordings could be selected to build sentences such as "Hey sugar daddy ... you’ve been encouraging me to meet people who aren't so weird", but unfortunately for Redmond the default selections filled out the following:
Hey honey [...] I know, I know, you'd rather knit than watch me slay zombies, but hear me out [...] It just so happens that Xbox One has the best multiplayer service that filters out jerks. So don’t you worry [...] p.s. Did I mention how beautiful you are?​

Source: The Register
I think its funny. Our society is a little too wound up and takes issue with the most harmless things. A little humor never hurt anyone!
Meh. Beyond the "you would rather be knitting" part there is nothing which can be called sexist in this. Even that part seems to be tongue in cheek. Mountain out of a molehill, nothing else.
I had heard about it before. What's up with the sexist thing these days? Feels like the 50s nowadays. Forgive me for the 50s comment there 'cuz I've been playing a lot of Bioshock on the PS3 recently and everytime I'm getting a new Plasmid, I'm always seeing the mascot guy using some of the plasmids on women, so everything I think in my mind is "sexist". Anyway, yeah, what is with the sexist thing now? I don't see that as a good way to convince a significant other to invest in an Xbox One.
I can't help but laugh about it. This is a lame letter to be honest. Why not just man up and buy one instead of wasting your time writing the letter.

Meh. Beyond the "you would rather be knitting" part there is nothing which can be called sexist in this. Even that part seems to be tongue in cheek. Mountain out of a molehill, nothing else.
Did you guys not know? Everything is sexist now.

Hahaha... I guess I'm ignorant. Yeah, sexist is everything now. Just pop up the news, read the newspaper, see the ads and you know it is. The 50s still draws up to this day. Now we just need plasmids! hahahah!~ But yeah, kidding aside, it is everything. Just a little radical stuff on the side.
Hahaha. Microsoft resorts to the sexist way to promote eh? I wonder what Youtuber Anita will think of this? But like what Claptrap says, sexist is everything. Man, when just one little sexist thing is done, things go crazy. Well, that's how the world is, even in advertising.
I guess when you're a big company, you have to watch what you say and do. When you don't, things like this happens.

Well the actual template is customizable so it doesn't have to be sexist. I can see why people think it is, but to me it's more a humorous quip.
I'm not bothered by it and I get annoyed with other women that are. It's pretty inoffensive and if some feminists are raising a stink over this then sexism must be a problem that's been solved in the western world. It's a silly generator, that's all nothing to really freak out about. If anything I'm offended with it not even being funny.
Well the actual template is customizable so it doesn't have to be sexist. I can see why people think it is, but to me it's more a humorous quip.

You're right. Maybe the person who made it into this sexist letter just thought of it as a humorous thing. Ah, well. If I had the letter, I'd just make it otaku-ish. There, nobody will get mad. Unless otakus get mad at me. Haha.
Well, KN1GHTMARE said Microsoft made it customizeable so maybe whoever made the letter just had something funny in mind, as spark_777 says. Guess it just means this isn't the 50s anymore, where sexist was acceptable. Just one little sexist quip and people will come after you.
It's really annoying how much some women are making a big deal out of every single little perceived case of sexism they see. I get annoyed as a gamer who happens to be female that I have to defend the industry against outside 'feminists' who get annoyed that I'm not on their side. This is a silly letter that someone wrote using the website so it's not a big deal. If feminists want to make a real difference why don't they tackle the issues women face in Africa.
It's really annoying how much some women are making a big deal out of every single little perceived case of sexism they see. I get annoyed as a gamer who happens to be female that I have to defend the industry against outside 'feminists' who get annoyed that I'm not on their side. This is a silly letter that someone wrote using the website so it's not a big deal. If feminists want to make a real difference why don't they tackle the issues women face in Africa.

Yeah, you said it bro. Well gaming should be free for anyone. They should not make a big deal out of everything.
It sounds sexist but it's just a really lame attempt at marketing. Regardless of the industry I think marketing to specific sexes or genders is stupid, with the exception of things that are biologically-based (I won't get into that). But game consoles are for everybody and not every relationship is that divided on something like this to begin with.
I see some truth in what you are saying Joker. But marketing to specific sexes and genders has proven very profitable for Victoria's Secret. And Hanes. And Platex. And old spice. And. Men's warehouse. And Lane Bryant. And --->

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