Xbox One Self-published games


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2013
Earlier today, Game Informer reported that Microsoft would be making yet another reversal of policy concerning its upcoming Xbox One game console. Though it said in May when it announced the hardware that game creators would have to go through a publisher to get their games on Xbox One, it now says that developers will be able to self-publish their work on the platform.

Microsoft quickly issued a statement confirming Game Informer‘s report and promising more details at the Gamescom conference, to be held next month in Cologne, Germany.


seems interesting with all the talk of indie games and non microsoft published gaming chatter.. looks like the announcement of the indie policy change is soon to come.

their was a link the other day about indie game policy change
“I certainly know that Microsoft want to talk at future press events about their relationships with indies. I can’t really talk about that, but they’re very passionate about building a strong relationship with indie development – indie development is the future.”

Via: Gamerant

so it looks like winds are changing and indie/self published titles will be on the xb1... the ps4 has allot less going for it the closer to launch we get. drm,used games,cloud,indie... im glad i am an early pre order.
This is good news for independent developers!

I think the Xbox One really begins to stick to the legs of the PS4. It follows exactly the same way. Their policy has changed dramatically since the time.
This is the kind of things that give you more good games for the players! The development is already easy on Xbox One, it will be even easier to publish its games.

We're really lucky to Next-Gent!
This is a relief. How else to games evolve but for ideas from the little people? I mean, not always, but a good amount of the developments in gaming in the past few years have been thanks to developers working on their own to create something interesting, developers who might not have the largest budget ever. It's exciting to see.
their was an article where a developer basically says the next big evolution in gaming will come out of a small label/developer not a big box/title developer and it makes sense. he basically says that most big box developers are lead by market trends and what it selling/working in the industry.

i am honestly not sure or so in a bubble to understand what next gen really will be what next development in gaming will revolutionize how we play or how gaming is done.

i dont feel oculus rift is next gen it has been around for quite some time just not mainstream.. and even if it is part of the stepping stone i dont think it will be a huge market like ps4/xb1... i have said it a few times. i think kinect2.0+illumiroom is the only big step into immersive gaming..

having a virtual reality helmet on and being in your own world wont give gamers the feeling of 21century. it seems so 90's at this point.
Interesting, but I don't know if it's that realistic at this point. I'd like to see it happen, though; that would eliminate the middle man and make it easier for developers to get their games out there without jacking the price up to astronomical levels. If the developers are paying less to publish their games, then we should be able to pay less for the game than we would otherwise.
This is very good news, I feel like this is something that's been really holding back console gaming. With PC games you could get a small group of people and create some really cool games e.g. Intrusion 2 , but they just never made it to the consoles . So I hope that this is a good step forward and it will open up the market to indie devs
Self-publishing was pretty much necessary at this point. Look at PCs and the Playstation systems; they have great indie support. Sony's been getting a LOT of indie support lately. Indie games are a pretty big deal to some people (like me) because they don't face the issues that games with huge budgets do.

So yeah, I'm glad that Microsoft will allow indies to self-publish on the Xbox One.
This is REALLY great news for indie developers. I know that it might just be Microsoft changing with the times, but I really like that they are supporting indies. I prefer Xbox to other consoles, so I am glad that I will get to play some indie games. I bet we are going to get some pretty cool games out of this, too!
You know I've had the question lately... what is an "indie" developer? Is it the guy in his mom's basement? Is it something like Valve? Do you not self-publish? Is a factor of numbers? I don't know. I guess I'm just tried of folks acting like Indie means much in terms of quality. I've played enough to know that some are good, but many are as BS if not more so than traditionally developed games. Still... maybe we'll see something good or interesting.
I'm happy that Microsoft is trying so hard to compete with PS4's indie policies, because it can only mean good things for Indie developers. Some of the best purchases I ever made on Xbox Live were independent games, whether it be a fully published Arcade game, or something like White Noise Online under Indie games, which is a total blast.

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