Xbox 360 Similar games?


Active Member
Jul 26, 2013
I just heard about this game yesterday. To what games you could compare this one?
Wow, that's a good question. What compares to Catherine. That's a tough one. The best thing I can think of is other Atlus games. There's nothing that's out there just like Catherine, but there's some stuff in the style of having life simulation and then another game behind it.

I would suggest Persona 3 and Persona 4 for starters just to see if you fall into the love for other Atlus games.

I'm just drawing a blank today so I'll think about this a bit.
Unfortunately i think that is one of those unique games that you won't be getting the pleasure of playing again. But as far as puzzle games go, i guess that all the good titles are either on the PC or the Nintendo DS (Layton series, Phoenix Wright series).
You wouldn't be finding any similar games unfortunately. It's one of it's own kind. I am looking too play similar kind of adventures, but haven't found any yet,
I'm kind of confused by this post, what is the game your stating in the post?
I'm kind of confused by this post, what is the game your stating in the post?

If you looked at where the thread was posted, the forum subsection, you will see that the original poster was referring the game "Catherine."

I haven't really played the game, so I wouldn't know what it's like, but there is always Google to answer your question. :)
For those who need to know because its awesome Catherine is a puzzle simulation game that puts you in the shoes of Vincent. A guy who is scared to commit to his girlfriend, has an affair and you pick it up from there.

You are constantly engaged by all the characters outside the puzzle world and then the puzzles themselves are really really cool. Definitely worth the money you can get it now. Great game.