Xbox 360 Skyrim meets Call of Duty?


Dec 1, 2012
I keep hearing that Far Cry 3 is "Skyrim meets Call of Duty". For those of you that have actually played the game, would you say this is accurate? Also, how would everyone here rate Far Cry 3's aiming system?
I've read some reviews of the game online, but I've never heard of a comparison quite like that. It does have some game play aspects similar to both games, though. It has a large open world, like Skyrim, your character's skills will improve with practice, like Skyrim, and it's a violent action game, like Call of Duty, but I'd prefer to put it in a class more like Grand Theft Auto, myself.
Yeah, I'd say more like Skyrim meets GTA. You have all of your side quests and stuff that you can do like in GTA.
Call of Duty is an all-out shooter, and I don't think I'd classify Far Cry 3 that way. I'd classify it as an action/RPG, myself. I think some people might just be comparing it to Call of Duty because you have access to a variety of guns/weapons in the game.
I don't know, Tomas, because Far Cry 3 does have a somewhat "Call of Duty" feel about it when you're trying to take control of an outpost. Overall though, I would say it has a few elements of a lot of games - Skyrim, Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto, Assassin's Creed, and Red Dead Redemption, just to name a few.
I think it is mildly accurate. It has the FPS feel and the guns of Call of Duty, but the freedom and quests of Skyrim. In Far Cry, you are free to engage in battle in any way you want. You can snipe from afar, go in blazing guns, or go in with a knife and use stealth. These minor features make me love the game and I think that it does bring those two games together in a modern day amazing campaign.

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