Xbox One snap into a slim jim i mean battlpacks ohhh yeaaaaaaaa!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2013
seen these the other day so decided to google it tonight.




i may have to grab a handfull of slim jims.. its sort of a win/win.. i love me some beef sticks and have bf4 pre ordered. lol
The epitome of win/win. I think the best way to go about buying these would have to be in box form. More bang for the buck and random processed meat sections for the mouth! Macho Man would be proud.

A least it appears to be an "in pack code". Not like the donkeys who put the COD code on the outside of the Doritos bag so people could just copy the code without buying anything.
A least it appears to be an "in pack code". Not like the donkeys who put the COD code on the outside of the Doritos bag so people could just copy the code without buying anything.

You would think that, being the year 2013, they would have learned by now haha

Of course someone also always finds a way to cheat the system, so theres that.
so i used my 3 credits towards a gold battlpack. cost 3.

so today i went and got 3 more boxes of slim jims for 3 more codes... glad i didn't buy more.

once you unlock a color battlpack you can do it again.. so with my 3 credits tonight i got a silver and a bronz.. i can not unlock any more battlpacks... :( dang and i would buy more i love whatever meat it is and i got in game stuff.. :(

so be warned...
I'm definitely going to buy some slim jims today! I know you can only have 1 of each battlepack, but what about the double XP option? Will we be able to redeem as many as desired, or are we limited to 1 use just like the battlepacks? I like slim jims, but I don't want to be buying a boat load without having any BF4 extras.
idk about the boosts// i think they are unlimited but have not tried.

it is getting harder to find the bf4 slim jim stuff around me.
idk about the boosts// i think they are unlimited but have not tried.

it is getting harder to find the bf4 slim jim stuff around me.

Same here. In my place most of it is sold out. Got a few but I was unlucky.
The double potion is limited sorry guys, I tried it. By the way I only have one bronze battle pack. Not to bad considering I just bought a pack of slim jims. haha. Well it was plain luck since I bought it and I wasn't aware about the promo.
Bummer. I just bought a massive pack of Slim Jims for my hubby's lunch at Sam's Club the other day, so there isn't any way I can justify buying more at the moment!
i have to register my bf4/commander to my live account.. i did my login from my primary email.. so i may be able to claim 3 battlepacks i will try this week when i go food shopping.

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