Original Xbox SNES emulator on modded Xbox


New Member
Jan 13, 2013
Hello everyone,

since I want to relive the glory days with classic games such as Donkey Kong Country 1,2,3, Megaman X etc. and I have a perfectly fine working original XBOX, I'd like to put a SNES emulator on my XBOX. The question is; how do I do this? I don't know what emulator to pick as well.

I do have a crossover cable, yet I don't know what to do with it. If any of you guys know how to do this, could one of you talk me through the procedure? In return, I'll make a 'how-to' with screenshots so next time someone wants to do it, they don't have to ask.

I'm waiting for your reply,


edit: you may also send me the info in a PM
You won't be able to through an Xbox. Well, no one has on paper yet that I know of.
I hope someone figures this out. That would just be too cool for school. SNES had by far some of my favorite games of all time.
I have seen this mod before but I can't remember where I saw it at. I believe you best bet is to research homebrew Xbox mods. You can probably find something useful on Youtube. Good luck in looking for the mod, and I hope you can get everything working probably! If you find something make sure you post here about it.
I don't have enough posts to add links yet, but if you google search "How to Turn an Xbox Into a $150 computer" you should yield the proper page with steps available to do just that. After you have Linux booted on your xbox, it's basically a low priced entertainment system that includes the capability to play SNES roms along with tons of others
The name of the emulator is Supernes9x. You can find this emulator on xbox scene, coolroms and some other sites. As far as the crossover cable, it's easier to run a ethernet cable from your computer to your router, and another ethernet cable from your router to your xbox. Use a program called Flash FXP to transfer the emulators and roms to your xbox. You need to put games in a roms folder inside your emulator folder. When setting up Flash FXP, you need to get the ethernet address off your xbox and enter it into the flash fxp program. You will also need to enter the username and password which is xbox by default for both.

Before you do all this if you haven't already, you will need a softmod kit. Included in this are the linux and splinter cell save files. There are plenty of sites telling you exactly how to do this if you type in xbox modding on google. Or if you go to youtube, there are alot of good videos.
You can play SNES on any PC these days aslong as it has a working keyboard. you can even play on an Android or iOS device
I don't think that you can get this to work just yet. I would really like if it could be done but I really don't think that it could be done yet. The idea is really cool though and I think that I would be spending too much time on something like that.
I don't think I would want to do this to my own XBOX if I could. I just use the SNES. While you mention Donkey Kong Country, I was playing it a few hours ago, and this has been the most difficult game this year for me believe it or not because I keep dying in every level.

I didn't realize until a few days ago when I started playing it again that the levels are extremely short. It used to be really easy, and it is now, but I keep dying from running into all the other characters in the game. I only put emus and roms on my computer and my PSP 2000 model when I modded it, and the 1000 series.

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