Xbox One So...very...sketchy...


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2013
So I recently got my Gamer Informer and what do I find? Why a timeline of the Xbone and it's many, many odd moments. The most striking thing for me is that April 10th the used game policy for the Xbone was supposed to be identifcal to that of the 360. Give it a month or two and June 6th as this turned completely about. My question is why? Also why have so many of the more distainful people involved moved on? Adam Orth either quit or was fired after the Dealwithit hashtag thing. Don Mattrick left to be CEO of Zynga. There has been a complete restructe of things... It looks so sketchy. Also why were the guys talking so very belligerent in their conversations? June 12th has this from Don: "Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity. It's called Xbox360." Who says that to a customer? Tch. Anyway you can get the details on this from Game Informer, but I just... so sketchy.
I think Don was on his way out at some point. He handled the roll out and presentation of the Xbox One as bad as he could. I remember listening to interviews after the Xbox One announcement and thinking to myself, please Don, please stop talking. I remember it was remark that if you like the old way then you should buy a 360 during a E3 interview. It was pretty bad.
Yeah I agree that Microsoft has definitely went through a whirlwind roller coaster ever since they announced the Xbox One. It went from the whole always online and used games issue, to that no longer being a part of the system to the fact that now Kinect is no longer available. Also, like you pointed out there have been some executive changes at Microsoft as well. Hopefully this doesn't have too much of an effect on the system.
It definitely seems like there are too many people trying to steer over at Microsoft in the past few months. It feels like they need to bring in a third party to sit them down, evaluate what they want to do with the product, and then start moving towards that goal with some cohesion. As it stands, they're just kind of tripping over themselves, trying to rely on their past accomplishments to glaze over some pretty terrible decisions.
I think Don was on his way out at some point. He handled the roll out and presentation of the Xbox One as bad as he could. I remember listening to interviews after the Xbox One announcement and thinking to myself, please Don, please stop talking. I remember it was remark that if you like the old way then you should buy a 360 during a E3 interview. It was pretty bad.

Yeah, my mom is of the mind it was all sabotage when I showed her. I hate conspiracy theories, but considering all the brouhaha and whatnot I have to really think the folks that jumped ship were doing so because they'd set up a bomb to go off. It sucks, but MS ought to be used to that kind of corporate espionage.
The Xbox One sure has had a rocky road, so to speak. But it's looking better now, specially since Don Mattrick got out. He sure wasn't a PR guy, huh?

So yeah, I think things have been kinda sketchy so far, huh?
Don was... I think he decided to go this route as soon as he got the first callback. I personally would never do such a thing, but apparently he felt it was a good idea to snow a company that probably produces the software his computers run on. I just don't understand.
A lot of people are leaving Microsoft, maybe because they know how things might turn wrong in the next couple of months, so they decided it's better to get out while they can. What i would like to know is what Microsoft going to do with all those open places that just opened up on the company.
Who else is leaving? Don Mattrick left and they reorganized the Xbox brand into a couple different orgs (OS, hardware, etc). Steve Ballmer is retiring sometime next year.

That's all I've heard about.
There's quite a difference between Microsoft and Sony when it comes to their gaming divisions. Sony has learned a lot from their mistakes and have turned their boat to a profitable ocean this time for the PS 4. Microsoft is definitely going through some growing pains. These business men, don't understand gaming, they only really understand functionality to push themselves to do things outside of gaming. You'll find that a lot of MS Research budgets where the Xbox is concerned has gone to do things outside of gaming. Think training Doctors with the Kinect and stuff like that.

This is what an identity crisis looks like and without a gaming market, you don't sell hardware, so Sony may capitalize on this one for the next few years.

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