Xbox One So when do you think crossplatform from Xbox 360 and Xbox One will end


Active Member
Nov 23, 2013
We all know it's only a matter of time before Microsoft and really Sony too will stop asking devs to make games that can play on both the Xbox 360/PS3 and the Xbox One/PS4. Right now the majority of gamers still own the latter consoles but there will come a point when no one makes games for the Xbox 360/PS3. I'm wondering though if unlike the previous generation it'll take longer because of the internet demands that the Xbox One has. I mean you can't play the console without the upgrade and plenty of people can't download it.
I'd say 2015. Really the cross platform stuff by that time will mainly be the sports titles.
That makes sense, though I think we might see crossplatform games for a couple more years at least 2017. I think a lot of people will hold on tight to their PS3's and 360's for as long as they can before they switch over, so it might be for the best if both companies allow the releases. We'll have to see how the after holidays sales look to really see the future.
That makes sense, though I think we might see crossplatform games for a couple more years at least 2017. I think a lot of people will hold on tight to their PS3's and 360's for as long as they can before they switch over, so it might be for the best if both companies allow the releases. We'll have to see how the after holidays sales look to really see the future.

Well, there is a possibility that it might take till 2017, that is if they won't have a new console by that time.
When companies release their new consoles, the previous consoles in the line usually get a good final burst of titles. Who knows how Microsoft specifically will do it since they didn't have enough consoles in the Xbox lineage to actually determine it. It might have a strong two year burst like PS2 before sporadic releases or Nintendo's trickle after a new console is release. That's just overall.

As far as the crossplatform releases, I'm thinking 2015-2016 sounds like when you'll see those end.
I remember when the Xbox 360 had been out for quite some time and they were still releasing games for the original Xbox. I think it depends on the studios and distributors, as well. As long as they're selling well for the 360, there's no reason to stop making them. It has to stop at some point, though, but I don't imagine that will be for quite some time.
im saying 2015 early 2016... i would almost say late 2014 on some aspects but microsoft is supporting till 2016 iirc... how much support or new games is hard to tell.

the real question is what cross platform xb1,360 games will they really make cross platform and will you honestly want it.

games like forza will not go backwards... cod/bf4 are on the brink of full next gen support. titanfall will be multi but how much of the visual and texturing will be left on the 360 to make it playable and still have that new tec feel?

games like tom clancy the division will ne nex gen along with most of the exclusives.

they may be able to pull of another dc vs marvels or capcom and it will proably be good but as far as a serious reboot on even arcade i feel will be starting to want the next gen engine/tec to start expanding the games.

heck i think gta v made a huge mistake bynot going full on next gen/360/ps3 the sales could have been thru the roof... out of the 2 million xb1 sold already how many would have gotten gta and pre ordered?? i bet close to half... im not even a gta fan and would have pre ordered because of the sheer amount of playability of it.
Well, there is a possibility that it might take till 2017, that is if they won't have a new console by that time.

Yeah, true. It really depends on demand. If sales continue to rise for the XB1 and demand for the 360 begin to fall, you'll begin to see that crossover happen. Although, that's generally the time when 360 owners begin to cry foul.


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