Xbox One Special Edition Controllers?


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2016
I'm considering buy a special edition controller off of amazon, but there are quite a few to choose from. It seems like some of them are slightly modified, while others just have a graphical overlay. Does anyone own any of these that can give me an idea of what the quality is like on these? Will the finish scratch off easily?
While I have never bought one of these myself, from the people who I know have, they've never experienced any issues with the special edition controllers.

I think a lot depends on the brands who make them, and if it's a brand that you've heard of and are well known for being reliable, then you shouldn't have much of an issue.
I have three for Xbox One; Titanfall, Master Chief, and Spartan Locke. In fact I currently don't even own a regular black one.

Anyway, I mainly used the Titanfall one until I got the Halo controllers and now I mainly use the Master Chief one. The Titanfall one is perfectly fine however it's in the style of the old controllers where the bumpers are more stiff which is the one thing I really don't like about it. I've been using my Master Chief controller since October and I've had no issues, however I would also not recommend trying to get that one or the Locke or Lunar White gamestop controllers because many of them have issues. I got lucky with both of mine but my brother went through three of the Halo themed controllers because the triggers were having issues, and his newest one still has a somewhat unresponsive D-pad but he didn't want to take it back again so he just sticks with it.
Ah I see, so there is some sketch between models? I had assumed they might be a bit different but I didn't realize they might not be technically up to par...
With the quality of the controllers I think a lot of it can just come down to pot luck if you buy the cheaper brands. Out of 5 controllers you'll get 3 that are fine and 2 that aren't so even though they might be a little cheaper I'd stick to the more expensive ones as there less chance of them breaking on you after only a few months also.
Yeah there's a design on the controllers themselves. It's kind of nice, actually. They're beautiful controllers don't get me wrong but I've seen how many problems they can have.
Yeah, they seem to have mixed reviews, even on the stuff that is a little higher end. It's a huge problem I'm having because I like to make my stuff a bit more unique, and I figure they'll just become more rare over time
Twо yеаrs in, аnd Xbоx Оnе is finаlly hitting thе 'nеw mоdеls' stаgе оf thе cоnsоlе еvоlutiоn cyclе. Thеrе аrе vеrsiоns with biggеr hаrd drivеs, nifty sоlid stаtе rеplаcеmеnts, еvеn оnе thаt mаkеs еnginе nоisеs whеn yоu turn it оn. Аnd yеt in thе rеаlm оf limitеd еditiоn cоntrоllеrs, Micrоsоft hаs bееn dоing this sincе (litеrаlly) Dаy Оnе.
^ lol, what a great comparison. It's so strange that it takes that long for people to catch on to limited edition - I think once 3d printing or more advanced manufacturing is cheaper, you will see way more custom consoles/console parts, etc, just because they'll be cheap and easy and people want them already
Since I did tell you about the Halo 5 controllers having problems I feel I should update you on this. I've had mine for almost six months with no issues but a couple days ago the right trigger just started to grind a little bit, which was an issue I had seen many people were having with them. You could argue it's from heavy use, but my Titanfall controller is over a year older and has not suffered from this problem.
Aw, was kind of looking towards the halo controllers as my first pick since I'm from the days of H1. That definitely sucks :( How bad is it, do they say it gets worse @GunGunW ?
I think people are getting used to the fact these days, that the words limited edition doesnt mean that in a few years they'll be collectors items like it used to.

These days it more often means they'll charge you more for something, that will.only last half as long as a standard model would do!
I think some of them are definitely significant though! You have to remember that special edition controllers do tend to stop being produced, and after a little while, they become legitimately hard to find. In 2~3 years, some of the more iconic one games that have SE controllers might be seriously in demand, but I just like them :)
It's not horrible, however the right trigger is starting to have grinding issues. My brother's controller has a very unresponsive D-Pad. I have the Master Chief variant and his is the Spartan Locke variant.