Xbox One Star Wars: Battlefront Showcased At E3


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2013

Battlefront coming along very well, Frostbite 3 has meant team can iterate and drive innovation with high quality. Plan to show more of it at E3 this year, but lots of work to go"

i am sure this is no shocker.. star wars is basically going to be ea's babby/cash cow... hope they learned a ton with bf4 since its built on the same thing. but i expected a teaser around e3... i also expect the division to start leaking info/pics/trailers.. its 9-10months till launch and its still very hush hush with whats going on..
Yes, I predicted that too. It's sad that EA will be making this game... they'll probably give up on the multiplayer servers after a few years and fail to update them. I am looking forward to seeing Star Wars on the Frost Bit engine though.
Yes, I predicted that too. It's sad that EA will be making this game... they'll probably give up on the multiplayer servers after a few years and fail to update them. I am looking forward to seeing Star Wars on the Frost Bit engine though.

idk about the multiplayer aspect.. you can rent bf4 servers from ea.. i dont think microsoft will let them abandon the game so easily.. heck microsoft may pick up the servers after x ammount of time.

i am more worried about EA tendencies. they can be very micro transaction oriented...
but i have a feeling ifi ts star wars they are under tight constraints.. and i would think the game will work 97% out of the box unlike bf4.

they learned allot or i hope they did with bf4... its the same engine as bf4...
To my surprise, they didn't showcased anything at E3 at all except for some Dragon Age footage. It's really kinda surprising.

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