Xbox One Streaming interrupted


Active Member
Feb 5, 2016
Streaming games on my PC gets interrupted for no reason at all. This happens even when I am using a wired network. I have a mid-range PC that has a good graphics card and a 4 GB RAM. I have never faced issues with my router either.
We have this problem a lot, too. What speed are you using? We're on 50 megs down, 10 megs up and we still have some lag. I think you have to have ultra-high speed internet, like 100 megs down or better.
There are issues with some games at times. But you should check by playing other games too and know that a problem exists only if all the games get interrupted. If not it could be something to do with the game.
I do not stream specifically for this reason, there is no fix that I have found, I expect it will be fixed later but I am quite patient. I have already made phonecalls and done google searches but it just happens so much that I just stopped.
Streaming lag became such a problem for us that we quit streaming, too. We're on the highest speed of internet we can possibly afford and also have the best equipment we can afford. We *still* had lag -- frequently -- so we just gave up.
Yeah, this is the danger with the way MS is handling things. The longer it takes, the more belief you lose in the people you donated all that money to, and that costs customers later on down the road. It's like getting mad you stepped on a nail so you smash the top of your foot with a hammer, it doesn't make sense.
I'm not sure what the root of the problem with streaming lag is, mostly because I think there could be a lot of reasons for it. It could be equipment that you're running through, your Internet speed, your broadband-width, the game itself, the site you're streaming to (commonly Twitch), etc. My hubby was on a streaming kick for a long time and built up a nice collection of (expensive) equipment -- a custom-built PC, an El Gado to stream through, etc. He streamed to Twitch and had more than a hundred followers in just a few weeks' time. Still, we couldn't get rid of the lag issue and, combined with data-cap overages from Comcast, we had to hang it up.
Had a week without this...been going horribly the last 48 hours. Can anyone else confirm that this isn't just me or something? I am going a little bit paranoid, everything else is working fine but streaming is giving me so many problems now...
Streaming lag us something that everyone will have an issue with at one time or another, and the most annoying thing for me is the fact there doesn't appear to be any reason for it.

One day it's pretty much perfect, the day after it makes your device almost after that,,it's back to perfect again. If we knew what caused it then at least we could look at a fix, but it's just intermittent and random at the moment.
I have basically have had the same exact issue mentioned above with streaming games. From one day it is and smooth as silk streaming as intended and then the next it is choppy like it is on a old school 56 k internet connection.
A lot of people seem to think by just upgrading their internet to the fastest available will cut out the streaming lag, but it doesn't. If your thinking about spending more to upgrade then I wouldn't bother as you get the same intermittent lag no matter how fast your broadband is, that's my experience anyway.
Yeah, this has absolutely nothing to do with connection, it's so maddening. It just is terrible sometimes. There's no better way to explain it, it will just crap out for an indefinite amount of time. I have tried a ton of little fixes but nothing works
Another thing that's maddening is the fact that nobody is even trying to look into a fix for this as far as I know. Whenever the topic of lag is brought up with the big companies, the general answer seems to be it happens to everyone and were not sure why.

Well how about trying to find out and fixing it once and for all, or failing that then at least come up with things that we can do to limit the amount of times it affects us.
I аm nоt clоsеd tо thе pоssibility thаt it mаy hаvе bееn sоmеthing I did, but I cаnnоt figurе оut whаt it cоuld/wоuld bе. I'm hоping thаt аs yоu guys thrоw оut mоrе аnd mоrе idеаs, mаybе sоmеthing will cоmе up thаt will givе mе аn idеа.
It's unlikely to be anything you did unless you've been unplugging the console and changing the settings every night, and I'd just put it down to you bring unlucky like the rest of us are from time to time, it's just yours as lasted longer.
It's never your fault at this point. Until microsoft goes out of their way to do something about this, just blame all of it on them. You can't even know if it's your fault because of how bad this can be, it's terrible.
I wouldn't even go as far as to say it's Microsoft's fault as I get the same issues with the PlayStation 4 also, so that would at least make it an internet issue rather than a specific device issue I'm thinking?

Well, in my case that's what I've deduced anyway but no doubt just to compound the problem, that probably won't be the case for everyone
I know what you mean, but after doing some digging, it seems like this can just randomly be an issue on your end, some obscure and difficult-to-diagnose issue, or it could totally be on micro's end. You can spend hours trying to fix it and it still not be fixable, or you might need to spend even more time testing. It's terrible.

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