Submission Rules & Guidelines - Read This First!!!!


Former Administrator
Sep 19, 2011
Here are the submission guidelines to posting news & rumors on the site. All news items will be moderated first just so we can weed out the spammers and get a second set of eyes on it for any corrections. News items may be moved after a month to their respective game or board section if applicable but a permanent redirect link will stay on news section to the item. See the guidelines below to see how it works. reserves the right to edit any submitted items as needed. Failure to follow the guidelines will cause your news submission to get denied.

  • Submit your news items directly into the Xbox News section of the site.
  • All news items must be contain at least 30 words of your own reaction or account to the news. Just a a big quote of the original article probably will get denied. Give some perspective and thought into your item.
  • Proper Spelling and grammar.
  • Information from another site must be put into quotes. Do no more than 2 paragraphs in quotes. Quoting more than that is fine for a press release.
  • Unless its a rumor you have inside knowledge about. Source your news using the "Via" or "Source" at the bottom of your post. Only include the site name and anchor the link in it.
  • Remember to check preview your post and check your own work. This greatly decreases the time it takes us to quickly review and approve your item.
  • Don't use slang or profanity in news or rumor items. Text talk or internet abbreviations won't help if somebody doesn't understand what your trying to say. If you use these, then your submission may be take longer to get posted as it gets corrected.


  • Include a picture or even a video at the top of your item. We ask that you do not hotlink your images from other sites. Use the attachement system to add photos. You can do this by clicking the the insert image button on the editor here on the site

This is where you add your take and explain what's happening to the rest of the community. It can come before or after the quote if you choose to quote your article. It doesn't have to be long but try it make it worth while to the other people who read your news title so their up to speed on what's going on. Its not hard and it only takes a couple mins.

This is a quote, any content from the original article or post needs to be put in quotes. The rule is not to quote anything longer than paragraph from the source. Do not quote the entire article as it will cause a moderator to deny your post or go with someone elses who has done it right. Always cite your source at the bottom using the Via or source and link it. See the last part of the example below.
Via: Xbox Forums
To post news on in Abu Dhabi, ensure content has original input (at least 30 words), proper grammar, and sources where applicable. Avoid slang, profanity, and overly long quotes for faster approval.

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