Xbox 360 Taurus Demon Strategy


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2013
Midwest US
Time for some more input from me on my Dark Souls experience. One day someone will be running across a bridge when a huge demon will jump from a top a tower and land in the middle of the bridge crushing you. This is the Taurus Demon and he's angry.

First, some setup for this fight. When you go through the fog gate leading out to the bridge there should be a ladder to your immediate right. Its inside a little shadow area there. Climb up it and kill the skeleton archers up here.

You'll want to find Pine Resin for this. Its in the Undeadburgh level that you've been playing before getting to the Taurus Demon. You may also find some black fire bombs which is good for this fight. You'll want to wait for him to jump through the air at you. At this point turn around and run back to the ladder you used to kill the archers. Climb up it and target the Taurus Demon below. Using a drop attack should cut a third of his health down.

Now you have two different strategies (I'm not counting just slashing at him hoping not to die as a strategy. That's more like a good luck buck shot chuck attempt.)

First, you could run a decent distance down the bridge to get the Taurus Demon to chase you. Stop and let him catch up to you. Roll your way to the other side of him and run back to the ladder and execute another drop attack. You will need 3 - 4 of these attacks.

Another way to handle this guy is to use the black fire bombs you got in the level and attack him while rolling away from him afterwords. Keep distance between him and you and watch for his jump attack to not get caught off guard. You should be able to take him down. You can not backstab or parry him as far as I can tell.

Good luck Dark Soulers!
An important thing you should mention is that it's a REALLY bad idea to climb the ladder if the Taurus Demon is really close to it, like right after a drop attack. If you DO manage to climb it without getting hit, he'll jump up to the tower and there's pretty much no borders there. The Taurus Demon is huge and his attacks can push you a lot and dodging becomes hard, you will most likely fall to your death if you attempt to fight him on the tower.

Other than that, a pretty easy boss, really.
The one thing I have noticed about this fight is that the set piece that you're fighting on likes to mess you up as you attempt to roll away. I'm having more trouble with my Dex build Pyro then I did before. I rolled off the damn bridge twice! I finally got fed up and went and killed the black knight nearby which I need to make a thread about real quick now that I think about it.

Something else I should mention in these threads is where to put or look for people to bring into the world. If you reverse your Hollowing then you can find tons of soul signs right outside the bonfire in Undead Burgh. The thing is there's a good chance you might find A bottomless boxer whose using all their equipment and might try to farm your black knight... but they are a bottomless boxer sothey'll probably get killed.
The one thing I have noticed about this fight is that the set piece that you're fighting on likes to mess you up as you attempt to roll away. I'm having more trouble with my Dex build Pyro then I did before. I rolled off the damn bridge twice!

Yeah, it's very narrow and there's a lot of parts that have no walls to prevent death by falling. Getting pushed off by the Taurus Demon is also very frequent, specially for tank builds trying to just block the attacks (they might just block the attack but still be pushed to their deaths).
There is just one last thing to be said about this fight. It is pretty easy because Dark Souls is a game of options. The Taurus Demon does a few attacks and then sits on its arse just kind of confused and dizzy. Its very gamey but if you're like level 3 and can't put up a fight against him and you're not doing enough damage, you can approach him and deal with him in this way. I'm actually quite over leveled for that part of the game at this point because I hunted down the Black Knight, killed the Taurus Demon and grinded about Undead Burg collecting items so I'm at like 14 I think so its pretty easy to deal with then.

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