Xbox One Tekken 7 Discussion


May 7, 2014
Anyone here besides me a Tekken fan? If so, you probably have seen or heard some Tekken 7 info. I'd like to start off by saying it seems like Tekken has been around forever - which is great. I've been playing since Tekken 1 in the arcade, and it's like one of those childhood cartoons or something to me. It never seems to get old!

With the drought of fighting games lately, I think T7 can't come soon enough. I'm hoping they keep it similar to T6, but improve on the balancing . I thought T6 was great, but a little too unbalanced, and rewarded cheap tactics a little too much. (with the wall damage and excessive juggling) It would be nice for that to be toned down a bit for starters. What do you guys think?
Fighting aren't really the same as any other games so they don't grow old that easy. Even the old fighting games still hold up to this day. I'm pretty much all settled in with Tekken, I think they've already nailed the mechanics when it comes to the game. But I would love to see a variety of new moves and probably a more diverse single player game.
I like Tekken a lot but the only thing I know about 7 is that it's gonna have some sexy latina known as Catalina. She looks Columbian or something to me. Heh, wish she was Venezuelan.
cant say ive seen or herd a tying but i am no fighting game player..

only one ivesen any mention of is mortal combat which looks visually stunning..

but backto tekken.. i played it early on.. sega cd iirc and later on 360 and ps3 iirc.. was a fun game and i agree.. they should or did basically have the mechanics down.. how that translates over to xb1 is to be seen.. but it should be visually awesome.... as much as i would like to see a marvel vs capcom or one of the big fighting games i have herd they dont plan on a next gen release anytime soon.. so tekken would be a warm wecome to me... i dont really enjoy killer instinct ...
Thе rеаsоn I dоn't еxpесt Tеkkеn 7 tо bе а big hit is bесаusе fighting gаmеs hаvе bееn in dесlinе fоr sоmе timе nоw, аlоng with thе аrсаdеs. Whеn еvеryоnе plаyеd оn аrсаdе mасhinеs, fighting gаmеs wеrе king.

Nоw, thе оnly pеоplе whо dо аrе соmpеtitivе fighting gаmе plаyеrs, аnd thеy аrе nоt а lаrgе mаrkеt. I dоn't think thе аdditiоn оf nеw сhаrасtеrs will hurt thаt sеgmеnt, аnd it's unlikеly tо bе а prоblеm fоr саsuаl plаyеrs.
if Tekken 6 comes to Xbox One then without a doubt i'll pick it up, however if it's a PlayStation 4 exclusive like I'm hearing than oh well; I don't have a PS4 so that's that.