Xbox One The Future Of Battlefield


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
Battlefield 4 has aged well and is with no exceptions a great game today, but now with Hardline being out for a while, I'm assuming EA is readying up the next installment. Assuming it's going to be called Battlefield 5, I'm hoping that they go back to their roots and make a straight forward shooter, something reminiscent of Bad Company 2. Heck, they might even call it Bad Company 3.

I have a strong belief in the fact that they might set it amidst a world war, a third world war that is. I know everyone wants a WWII shooter but I think the main reason games like Call of Duty and Battlefield place themselves in a modern or futuristic environment is so that they can focus on marketing DLC and additional content. EA can make up a bunch of weapons that don't exist and sell it for $20. That's a little more difficult when you can only work with things that actually exist. It's less money for them.

One thing I think would be cool is if they have the ability for you to play multiplayer in different time frames, synonymous with whatever happens in singleplayer. For example, one game room could be in a WWI setting and the one below it be some time in 2050. It's just an idea and I know it's hard to implement but it would be cool.

What are your opinions on the future of Battlefield and what are you hoping for in the next installment?
I think BF has so much untapped potential that it's only really limited by it's developers. Imagine if they just added a more rpg-esque ability to connect with your character and set the stage on an alien homeworld....would be so easy, but they're stubborn.
Well I would have to agree with the amount of untapped potential in the game, like @StockSwockle mentioned above. That said, though, a lot of these developers tend to be a little stubborn, so I cannot really say that I am too surprised or shocked here in any way. I bet they hear about possible improvements a lot, so maybe they just ignore them all for the sake of staying sane. Who knows, but it is interesting to think about the possibilities. Thanks for sharing.
The game definitely has a great potential when it comes to gameplay, mechanics and graphics, it definitely is one of the best FPS games nowadays, even when many people prefer CoD games over Battlefield, I definitely bielieve that Battlefield could get to be better than CoD someday, that's my opinion though.
With COD in the market, i must say that there is no future for Battlefield, expect they fiercely improve in graphics and single shooter modeling, there game play is awesome, they should step up, because COD is not smiling at all

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