The Xbox One games montage


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2013
Well guys, if the PS4 had its montage of games, the Xbox One has to have its own right? Here's the montage of Xbox One games. ;)
I'm excited to get my hands on Titanfall. As for KH3 and FF15, I'm going for the PS4. Why? Remote Play! But I respect for those who want the two games on XB1. The more gamers, the merrier right? Enjoy the show.

I'm so here for Dead Rising and The Evil Within.
lol I'm too broke to get KH3 and FF15 on PS4, can't afford 2 new gen consoles. I'm just glad I will be able to play them on XB1 :').
Oh right! Dead Rising 3. Yes, I'm so in for that. I especially am lookin' forward to getting that Mega Man X costume I saw that's unlockable in the game. Buster Weapon!

Well, good to know you can play 'em on Xbox One. We all get to enjoy the games we anticipate, whether it's PS4 or XB1.
Ohohohoh. Going for Dead Rising 3 and Titanfall. Maybe Quantum Breaker. The rest of the list (especially KH3 and FF15) are PS4 for me 'cuz of the Remote Play. I can just imagine myself playing KH3 while on-the-go in the mall :P

I'm all for Titanfall. A parkour-style in the future? Riding in robots that are like miniature Jaegers? Count me in! Sure, it's got PC and 360 versions but c'mon, it's the game that could accelerate Xbox One to the top! Yeah!
I'm so here for Dead Rising and The Evil Within.
lol I'm too broke to get KH3 and FF15 on PS4, can't afford 2 new gen consoles. I'm just glad I will be able to play them on XB1 :').

I agree! One next gen system is enough for me!

Yeah, it's Dead Rising 3, Titanfall and Zoo Tycoon for me. Ryse's multiplayer looked alright, maybe when it has a drop in price i will get it with a friend.
Dead Rising 3. Oh yes, I love slaying the zombies with weapons I make! wahahahah! Titanfall as well. The montage sure shows some nifty titles worth getting. It might not have the same oomph as the PS4 montage but this one sure got me thinking about the future of the Xbox One.
Dead Rising 3 is the one game next to Forza that Microsoft should be pushing hard right now. Their both pretty great games, but Microsoft just hasn't quite gotten the art of the montage down like Sony does. The montage did it's job though, there are games that I'm interested in on the console. Just not enough to buy it before I get the PS4. But I'm still interested in getting the Xbox One.
Dead Rising 3 is the one game next to Forza that Microsoft should be pushing hard right now. Their both pretty great games, but Microsoft just hasn't quite gotten the art of the montage down like Sony does. The montage did it's job though, there are games that I'm interested in on the console. Just not enough to buy it before I get the PS4. But I'm still interested in getting the Xbox One.

Yeah, I must agree. The montage was good but the PS4 montage still attracts me. Sony has the montage thing already nailed. But yeah, same as you, I'll get the Xbox One as well. Titanfall and Dead Rising 3 for the win!
Dead Rising 3 looks great, and Forza was a lot of fun when I got my hands on them. Those are the two key Xbox One games right now that if you've got the console you should be buying. The rest are pretty skipable for me right now. The montage is good not great but still I see glimpses of interesting games that I could buy.
Witcher 3 should be out in 2014, and when it does come out, I think it will be the best RPG available. Everything I've seen about the game so far leads me to believe it will be amazing.
Ah yeah! Witcher 3. Haven't played the previous ones yet but damn, seeing the sequel in action has me want to get the previous ones and enjoy the story before I get the sequel. Man, oh man, single-player RPG gaming is back in style!
Wow somehow I completely forgot about Witcher 3 and Titanfall! The Witcher series is so well made and the story is excellent, rewatching the trailer hyped me up again. And Titanfall looks pretty sick too.
Nice montage, love it! Also pumped up for Witcher 3. Previous Witcher games were fantastic, no doubt this one will be too. I could really play a good RPG.
Also, Dead Rising 3, awww yisss!
Witcher 3! I forgot it was there. Man, oh man, looking forward to that. I recently bought The Witcher 1 and 2, I'm looking forward to playing those two. But yikes! The games are so damn big on PC. Hahaha. Yup, Witcher 3. Definitely a must-buy.
This montage was good, good. Not as swift as the PS4 montage but it'll do. Looking forward to Dead Rising 3, Forza 5, Ryse and some of that Quantum Break. At least Xbox One has some games to keep it up in light. Oh yeah!
I can't wait until I get my hands on the Witcher 3. The only question is what console I'll get it for or if I'll bit the bullet and upgrade my PC to play it. Either way it's my game of the year and already one of the best RPGs that I'll ever play. Forza is pretty fun though I'm not a fan of the DLC prices and for mindless fun Dead Rising 3 is good but not a system seller for me. Still it's great for the Xbox One to keep up the hype.
Yup, yup. The Witcher 3 is the must-have definitely. For what system, I'm all PC. I just got Witcher 1 (and soon, Witcher 2) on Steam so I might as well have my choices in the first two games be reflected in Witcher 3. But the scale is awesome... I cannot wait!

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