Xbox One Thoughts on Resolution difference for ONE vs PS4


Active Member
Nov 1, 2013
Anyone else read the article that pointed out that Battlefield 4 will run at 720P on the ONE, but will be 900P on the PS4? Some people have been getting incredibly upset over this fact, since in retrospect, the higher the pixels, the better the visuals. However, there's been SEVERAL screenshots and videos comparing the two and I myself can not tell a difference. When it really comes down to it, I'm gonna assume most people can't, especially when they're actually in the action and taking fire. Even more hilarious, is that once it's upscaled to a monitor or TV that's greater then the default size of around 22/23 inches (Can't remember which one is natively 1920x1080) then it's all gonna look the same anyway. Anyway, what are your thoughts on the subject?

Do you care that the PS4 version has a little bit more resolution? I don't.
I dont think most people can tell a difference between 720p and 900p.

I actually game at 1600x900 on a pc monitor, and although i can definitely tell the difference between 1080p, it will be a lot harder to tell the difference on your tv screen, and like you said, most will be too busy dodging bullets to care.

Alot of competitive pc gamers actually turn visual settings DOWN to max the performance and get a competitive edge, so theres that...
Unless you have a really large HDTV, your not going to notice any difference at all. Most of any problems or differences occur in the really really large HDTV's.

I can tell you from personal use with a 40" HDTV, 56" HDTV and a 73" HDTV, the 40" has nothing noticeable. My 73" I can "sometimes" see artifacts and other things that can not be seen on the 40".
Huge blow for the xboxone and incredibly disappointing that MS opted for a weak console with freakin kinect obligatory . They are late , once again, the time of gimmicks is gone, as evident by wiiu total failure. Too bad cause both the original Xbox and the 360 were really powerful for their time .
A console launching in 2013 that can't do 1080p in 99% of its titles is a disgrace .
Huge blow for the xboxone and incredibly disappointing that MS opted for a weak console with freakin kinect obligatory . They are late , once again, the time of gimmicks is gone, as evident by wiiu total failure. Too bad cause both the original Xbox and the 360 were really powerful for their time .
A console launching in 2013 that can't do 1080p in 99% of its titles is a disgrace .

Where did 99% come from? It's not a huge blow either..have you seen the pre-orders? Do you think at 1080 BF4 will suffer frame rate issues? This argument is getting old and a few games running lower resolution does not define the console. Both systems have comparable hardware and unless you are playing side by side I doubt you will notice a difference. I think this question should be brought up to developers and not MS. Look at Forza and Ryse....

If you are getting an XB1, a majority are getting it for the overall media experience as well as great games. Give time for the developers to get accustomed to the complex hardware. Its obvious that the XB1 is a more complex machine than PS4 so it will take some time. I'm sure 1080 won't last too much longer before going to 4k which PS4 is unable to achieve.
I don't think it should make too much of a difference. I mean yes granted on paper it sounds like it should be better but I highly doubt anyone is really going to be complaining too much that they can't see every little tiny detail on the bitmaps You may be able to spot the difference on larger screens at some points in the game... but it'd be such a small, rare difference to be spotted that I don't think anyone will.

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