Xbox 360 Thoughts on the new Dante?


New Member
Dec 24, 2012
What do you think about the copious amounts of swearing, the digital enemy, and Dante's new arrogant style?

I think it's pretty lame and it tries way too hard to connect to an audience that doesn't exist. Seriously, who actually behaves or acts like that? They should have just stuck with the same ol' Dante from the previous games.
What?! Dante's always been sort of an easy to dislike emo punk?

Heck if anything it seemed like this Dante realizes he's a jerk and he's less proud of himself/more mocking?

I gotta admit there were a few times, like dismissively saying "Whatever" when a boss is supposed to be frightening, that I sort of face-palmed my way through.
I agree.. It's kinda interesting though to consider the transformation that Dante undergoes through the entirety of the game. He seems like a completely different and more mature character by the end of the game. Originally, he was this punk that was doing what he wanted, when he wanted. Over the course of a few days, he is threatening to kill his brother in order to protect all humans from enslavement.

When you consider this transformation, it becomes interesting to think whether this DmC is a prequel to DmC 3. It explains how to world became the way it is and sets the stage for the epic battle between Dante and Vergil that occurs in DmC 3. In addition, This DmC never addresses whether or not Mundus actually died, which seems appropriate since Dante defeats him later in the original DmC.

Personally, I love this Dante. It creates a connection with the audience when you see how someone seemingly normal is actually capable of doing such great things. It nurtures the idea that anyone can be great, regardless of outward appearances and behavior.
Okay so they americanized Dante for an alternate universe reboot. That's fine if Capcom wants to go that direction, but I definitely like the old Dante better as a character. The world of fiction already has too many black haired emo wussbags. At least the old Dante was unique in many ways.

What I didn't like was the giant "f*** you" by Ninja Theory to all the fans when they had the white haired wig fall onto Dante's head.
Okay so they americanized Dante for an alternate universe reboot. That's fine if Capcom wants to go that direction, but I definitely like the old Dante better as a character. The world of fiction already has too many black haired emo wussbags. At least the old Dante was unique in many ways.

What I didn't like was the giant "f*** you" by Ninja Theory to all the fans when they had the white haired wig fall onto Dante's head.

Yeah, but can't you see how this Dante is slowly become the old Dante. Have you finished the last mission of the game yet? Because it really sets the stage for the old Devil May Cry games. I didn't like that scene with the wig in the beginning either, but by the time I finished the game I thought it was pretty funny because he ends up becoming that person anyway.
I like the new Dante but he's not even half as good as the classic Dante. Gotta respect the OGs, bro! Oh yeah, except for DMC2 Dante. That sucked, though his costume is badass.
If you play through the game with the "classic" costume and disregard the first couple minutes, it's actually a way different feel. I like the idea of the game, the world, the story, everything, but Dante's douchey smile on the cover just ruins it all.
Yeah, but can't you see how this Dante is slowly become the old Dante. Have you finished the last mission of the game yet? Because it really sets the stage for the old Devil May Cry games. I didn't like that scene with the wig in the beginning either, but by the time I finished the game I thought it was pretty funny because he ends up becoming that person anyway.

Either way, this all takes place in an alternate universe from the original series. It's a younger dante, but the dante he grows up into is not the one from the other four games, hence why this is not called DMC 5.

I still think they should have just made a new IP out of it that heavily resembled DMC instead of rebooting it though. It's not a bad game by any means, but it's a kick in the nuts to fans of the original games.
I personally don't have a problem with the new Dante, but I can see why old fans might not like him so much, as he really is pretty drastically changed.

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