Xbox One Too many FPS's and not enough variety???????


Old School casual player.
Oct 21, 2013
I was looking thru the upcoming Xbox One titles and there sure are a lot of FPS types. I know they
all differ somehow, but could there be more variety??

We have COD Ghosts, BF4, Titanfall, The Division and Wolfenstein all FPS war type games.

Destiny, Halo, Star Wars are kinda similar FPS

Watch Dogs, Quantum Break kind of cinematic FPS.

Dead Rising, Dying Light FPS kill zombie type games.

Ryse, Assassins Creed, Thief all in the past type FPS.
I was looking thru the upcoming Xbox One titles and there sure are a lot of FPS types. I know they
all differ somehow, but could there be more variety??

We have COD Ghosts, BF4, Titanfall, The Division and Wolfenstein all FPS war type games.

Destiny, Halo, Star Wars are kinda similar FPS

Watch Dogs, Quantum Break kind of cinematic FPS.

Dead Rising, Dying Light FPS kill zombie type games.

Ryse, Assassins Creed, Thief all in the past type FPS.

Well in all honesty 6 of those games arent even FPS. Yes there are shooting elements in them but that doesnt mean they are FPS centered like Halo, CoD, etc. So you got 9 that are FPS and 6 that arent. Here is the thing, we will have more games that are FPS cenetered because that is what the masses play. No one can argue that they are not wanted. If that was the case...then CoD would not be selling like crazy. But i mean we will get more variety this time i think, but FP will more than likely be higher in numbers since the demand for them is still high.
Agreed.not all are considered FPS but its a dang good observation keller. As dumb as it sounds..Im going to get
Zoo Tycoon to break up my cycle. I know my friends laughed but ya just need a break from shooters. Also looking foward to Project Spark.
Watch dogs is a 3rd person game.... And there isn't alot of shooting involved, it's more tehcnical and spy kinda stuff .. Or you could shoot everybody if that's what you like.
But I do agree with you on most FPS's not having variety, however titanfall does seem to be moving away from it.
And COD And Battlefield are more different than you think.
Well, I definitely wouldn't consider Assassin's Creed a first person shooter as the last time I checked, it was a third person game. Still, I get what you're saying. Xbox has the market cornered on first person shooters. That's what a lot of Xbox gamers are playing, though. Look at all the money Call of Duty has generated, for example. It would be nice if there were some more variety in the choices though; I do agree with that.
I think that we'll just say "There's so many games!" and all be excited about it as we should be. I can't wait to have a bit off that list, but with the holiday season coming I'm traveling a lot so I won't be able to do much Xboxing. I will be doing the Extra Life marathon this Saturday though. 25 hours of gaming to raise money for children's hospitals. Good times!
A bunch of these aren't shooters, but yeah. The problem with actual FPSes is that a lot of them try (and fail) to imitate Call of Duty.
I'm hopeing for mor eof mmos for the new xbox i enjoy MMO's more than FPS but i still enjoy halo and Assassin's Creed
i would say cod/bf4 are on par those are your key players and what have a proven calling(hence the immitation)

division,halo,destiny are shooting games but are a far cry from fps/multiplayer battle games like bf4/cod...
look at the devision its a co-op team game with a full on story line with 100's of missions based around the idea of the world is in decay.. it is not a 5 on 5 war game.
look at destiny its a cinimatic loot/shoot game it is solo with the ability to bring in people as help/companionship...again not a cod/bf4 play game. the levels will be massive even compaired to bf4/cod. think mmo type of play from the dev q/a

lets tackle the star wars thing.. its so early in the game development we have only gotten a hint to get intrest in it. its very loosly based of what bf4 frost is/will be running but think of it as frost 2.0 its not going to be a military war game but it will be a space/star wars based game.. so far frost is an amazing platform. levolution real world damage damage to buildings and various small things. wind/rain/real world dynamic. this is next gen stuff and with it being space it can and will be used and minuliplated.. the great thing is its not based on real world physics/war.. its open to allot of interperation and we all know he history and cult following of star wars... frost and starwars on next gen is like win win and almost demands excitment.

ac4 is real world explorer type of game... you can litterly sail around and forget following missions and just do battle at sea or harpoon or treasure hunt. it has an element where you can do your own thing.

the one common element is most all games is conflict which in return goes back to basic civilization and survival which ultimatly leads to weapons. be it guns,rocks,sticks,fists.
the next big thing in gaming isnt going to be on conflict but more the story your playing and how well executed it is. their is no big game changers at this point.. we loved cod/bf4 because the recipe of that game just draws a major crowd... not many developers are willing to go against them. titanfall is taking a swing but its an already cornered market.
Games like Call of Duty (any of them) and Halo are completely different, despite being FPSs. You have to look at it on a case-by-case basis, really. If FPSs aren't your thing, then that's fine too. But the genre (if you can call it that) is as popular as ever and unlikely to change anytime soon, so I suppose you could say it's a good move from a business standpoint.
Well I'm pretty sure, that without a doubt, majority of the Xbox-one owners only bought the console to engage in FPS-related games. So RPG games and such aren't quite popular so I'd see why majority of the games are FPS related.
Games like Call of Duty (any of them) and Halo are completely different, despite being FPSs. You have to look at it on a case-by-case basis, really. If FPSs aren't your thing, then that's fine too. But the genre (if you can call it that) is as popular as ever and unlikely to change anytime soon, so I suppose you could say it's a good move from a business standpoint.

Well anyone can point out that Diddy Kong Racing and Gran Turismo 4 are completely different racing games, nobody is debating that. The main point is that there are so many genres out there, while the focus of these titles seems to be predicated on one archetype. I know demand is what drives publishers to crank out one after another, but the room for innovation is closing quickly at this rate.
I'm honestly not complaining. I love the FPS genre in general, heck it the reason I even got an Xbox. I'm sure over time non-FPS games will be introduced therefore satisfying your wishes.
I would agree that there are too many FPS's. They are the most popular genres so developers make almost every game FPSs. Take Bioshock Infinite for example. The FPS sections are completely unnecessary. Honestly, that game could have been a completely different genre and would have still have had same impact.
I dont think its that big of a deal i mean its not like well be stuck with these specific games forever anyway. In my opinion most consoles didnt do good at having opening titles. The Xbox One is definitely different in that regard but im not expecting anything amazing.

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