Xbox 360 Tutorial Levels in Video Games

Morris Code

Apr 25, 2012
Do you like video games that offer a tutorial level, detailing how to play the game, or do you prefer video games that require you to learn-as-you-play? Personally, I like it better when the video game includes a short tutorial on how to play the game. To me, there's nothing worse than getting in a fight with an enemy and dying repeatedly because you didn't know which buttons to push to kill him!!
I like it when the video game includes a short how-to and integrates it into the beginning of the game. I have died before in fights because I didn't know anything about the game's fight system beforehand and it's so aggravating when you have to keep repeating the same scene over and over again until you figure out what you're supposed to do!
There are good tutorials and then there are the rest, which sadly is most of them. I believe a tutorial isn't needed when you know how to pace your game and you teach your players new abilities by practice. The old Megaman games are a great example of this, new enemies would give you breathing room and teach you their patterns and later on in the level you'd get a full fledged challenge from them. I think most people would prefer not to do a 30 minute tutorial that is not part of the game.
I don't like tutorials, especially the ones that take a long time. I feel like designers get away with a lot today by just holding the hand of the players instead of making a well-crafted game. Look at Portal 2, it's a great example of a game that teaches you on the fly because of well-designed levels.
I don't like tutorials, especially the ones that take a long time. I feel like designers get away with a lot today by just holding the hand of the players instead of making a well-crafted game. Look at Portal 2, it's a great example of a game that teaches you on the fly because of well-designed levels.

I am exactly the opposite :)
I wish every game had a tutorial level because I'm not that great at figuring out how things work on my own. I remember playing Bioshock almost until the end of the game without knowing that you could save the little girls. But I guess sometimes it's better to find out on your own.
I don't really like a "Level 1: Tutorial" style introduction to the game, however I do like it whenever you encounter something new and the game launches into a brief "how-to" instead of expecting you to just press buttons randomly until you figure it out on your own.
The only time I usually ever actually play the tutorials is when there is an achievement available for playing the tutorial. Same thing with watching the credits. I watched the credits in Guitar Hero II for the achievement.

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