Xbox One TV playback colour


New Member
Nov 29, 2014
Hi I have just bought and set up my Xbox1 and the TV playback is predominately green. I have tried using the TV menu to solve this but to no avail, I have reset the Xbox to its factory settings and gone through the whole set-up process again all to no avail, I am at a loss. My TV is a Samsung smart TV. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Geoff...
So if you unplug the HDMI input from the back of your XBox One and plug it into your TV it looks fine and then when you go through the Xbox it changes the look of the picture. Everything I have read said there is no processing done to the TV signal. Does the signal when you are playing a game look green as well or is it just the TV signal? Have you tried hooking up a Bluray player with HDMI to the TV input on the Xbox to see if that looks green as well? That could at least eliminate your cable box as the issue.
Hi Gringo and thanks for replying, my games play perfectly but have not tried the blue ray player yet will let you know as soon as. Hope we can get past this pesky spam.
Good question. Don't think many, if any, of them are around anymore. There was a spam outbreak a while back about kitchens in the UK and eventually one checked in, after several weeks, and cleaned things up.
This place is dead then I'm afraid.
Good luck with it all, I'm off.
I think all they need to do to stop it is to change a setting so new members have to be approved to join.