Xbox 360 Ubisoft milking Assassin's Creed


Apr 1, 2013
I was hoping they'd just end the series with Assassins Creed III, but of course, they're going to milk it. What happened to all the amazing trilogies that have left their marks on gaming pop culture? It just seems like every good series is being milked till it loses it's authenticity. So how many more Assassin's Creed do you think they'll make before people get tired of it?
I am happy for now. The series has been milked since the beginning. Back then, they just released crappy DS and PSP games. At least now they are releasing proper titles instead of the disgusting trash that they released on the DS and PSP. I am happy as long as they are quality titles but I'm sure it won't take too long before it feels really stale unless they manage to come up with things to keep the franchise fresh. I would say that the naval missions in Assassin's Creed 3 were good at adding something fresh. If Assassin's Creed 4 can take them and expand them a lot and maybe make them a bigger part of the main campaign (instead of being mostly side-quests), it would feel fairly different from AC3.
Yes, how long they are still worth getting is going to greatly depend on how well they do the games. If IV is as good as the others (with reasonable improvements), and that progress continues, they can probably continue for several more games.
I agree. Ubisoft finally found something that can make them money, so they milk it. All the silly features they've been adding since Brotherhood are really unnecessary, they should have kept it at it's core, a single player stealth game.
I agree. Ubisoft finally found something that can make them money, so they milk it. All the silly features they've been adding since Brotherhood are really unnecessary, they should have kept it at it's core, a single player stealth game.

While the campaign is obviously the best part, multiplayer in these games is a lot of fun. It's completely different than any other multiplayer game.
Oh yes, they sure are milking the hell out of the franchise!
Assassins creed 1 & 2 were awesome but, after that I never played any of the other games as I just thought it was getting ridiculous.
I hate to say it, but while I am a huge fan of the franchise, Ubisoft really is milking the whole assassin's theme to no end. They add a little extra spice to each game in terms of plot twists and some auxiliary features, but it is literally the same thing over and over again, with very minor changes to the costume. Luckily, I play it because the entire concept of the secrecy and lore between the assassin's and templars intruiges me, the storyline is great, and I love the way you can just sit back, relax, and assassinate. I love the free running, too, and while really it is just putting the same thing into different settings, these settings are what give the story substance - that's what matters to me. They ruined it a bit with ACIII, but all can be forgiven if BF lives up to its hype.

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