Xbox One Upgradable cross-gen titles won't transfer single-player data


Former Moderator
Jun 24, 2012
The D
This kind of sucks, doesn't it? Makes me not want to get the 360 version and just wait until the XB1 version comes out. Also, Sony has already said that players that upgrade have to keep their PS3 version of the disc to be able to play the upgraded version. Microsoft has yet to announce whether or not you'll be able to play without the original disc on XB1 upgrades. Without a physical disc, I CAN actually understand why they have it set up this way though. Otherwise you'd be able to upgrade for cheap, run to Gamestop and trade the original disc in, make good money, and play for cheap. What do you guys think? It sucks for us but I think it's pretty fair.

EA and Activision have confirmed that online multiplayer data for Battlefield 4 and CoD: Ghosts (respectively) will make the jump across generations - owing mainly to that progress being server-based.
But single-player save files for current-gen versions of those games, and for Assassin's Creed IV, will not be compatible with next-gen versions, it was confirmed to [FONT=Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Kotaku[/FONT] today.

Well considering that the Achievements are separate, that could be the reason why it won't be. You will be able to get all the Achievements from the 360 version added to your Gamerscore, and then play the upgraded version on the X1, which will give you new improved enhanced version of achievements through the X1. You know what I mean?
I honestly don't mind if my data is not transferred over. I mean any game I get that is not a sports game, will be well beaten before I get the Xbox One console anyway. So in my opinion that does not change anything for me.
You know, upgrading your game to the next generation console is a bad enough idea already. At this point you might as well just get the game for one console and stick with it. If I was halfway through a story, but wanted all the sweet benefits of popping-fresh graphics, I'd have to start all over again? To me it's just silly in so many ways.
What? It doesn't matter that much to me anyway. I will play all the games all over again. f GTA V is going to come to PS4, I will upgrade it gladly.
Not sure why this is such a big deal. Just wait a few weeks for the next gen version? Or stick with multiplayer?
Upgrading games to next gen?

If you plan on taking advantage of upgrading your current gen games to the next gen versions, beware. According to reports, your single player progress will NOT carry over if you do decide to upgrade. It seems for games like "Battlefield 4" and "COD: Ghosts" your multiplayer progress WILL carry over however.

That kind of makes me think twice about upgrading. Especially if you're talking about a GTA5 size game that's already taken me hours to get this far. BF4 and the new COD are mainly for MP anyway, so that wouldn't be too bad. But with "Watch Dogs" releasing before the new consoles, I won't be playing on day one. I assumed since everything else is transferring with the One, this would include your game saves, achievements, DLC, etc.

Were you planning on upgrading any games? If so, does this change your mind?
They had always stated the save progression would not carry over. The only reason it does for some multiplayer is because its all saved on a server and not locally. I assumed as much from the start.
Well, this isn't that surprising, because then it would mean developers would have to work more for something that not everyone is going to use, and that is a waste of money for them.
If you plan on taking advantage of upgrading your current gen games to the next gen versions, beware. According to reports, your single player progress will NOT carry over if you do decide to upgrade. It seems for games like "Battlefield 4" and "COD: Ghosts" your multiplayer progress WILL carry over however.

That kind of makes me think twice about upgrading. Especially if you're talking about a GTA5 size game that's already taken me hours to get this far. BF4 and the new COD are mainly for MP anyway, so that wouldn't be too bad. But with "Watch Dogs" releasing before the new consoles, I won't be playing on day one. I assumed since everything else is transferring with the One, this would include your game saves, achievements, DLC, etc.

Were you planning on upgrading any games? If so, does this change your mind?
I feel exactly the same way. I think the data should transfer over to the One console. They dropped the ball on this one. The fact that the data is stuck on the old generation console makes me not want to take advantage of any of the upgrades no matter how cheap they are. Oh well, it isn't the end of the world.

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