Xbox One Vehicles confirmed for Star Wars: Battlefront


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2013
DICE announced that they want to do what Batman: Arkham Asylum did for Batman. Now, I'm not particularly sure of what Batman did since I never played it, but I believe it's for the best intentions and the game. So at the moment, vehicles in Battlefront are confirmed, and going to run on Battlefield 4's engine which hints great graphics? Trailer video looked awesome though, so this game will be a definite for me.

Soderlund was unable to share much about the new Battlefront, which will run on Battlefield 4's engine, but did confirm that certain iconic Star Wars vehicles would make the cut. "It's going to take awhile," he said. "We just announced the license and showed a sneak peek of Hoth. The speeder and the AT-AT will be in [the game] for sure."

Well..this was obvious.

Battlefield features vehicles and the previous Battlefronts had vehicles. There was no chance in hell that they wouldn't include vehicles now. Still, good to see an official confirmation I guess.
its going to be running a modified bf4 frost system.. so expect quite a bit of stuff... multi platform/leveloution,aerial batle water ect ect..
Man this is seriously going to be so fun. And with these next gen consoles you know its going to look awesome!!!
Man this is seriously going to be so fun. And with these next gen consoles you know its going to look awesome!!!

I know this is far out (they are targeting a 2015 date to go along with the movie) but this is one of my most anticipated games. I loved Battlefront. I especially love playing in all the movie locations. I would really like to see some epic space battles like the beginning of Episode 3. That would be so awesome.
So much good stuff coming! It's hard to be patient. Oh well, I need to save up money anyway ;)
Whoa! That's a bonus man. I wasn't expecting it to be honest. Now they need to show us some footage already.
My heart filled with joy when I saw that the AT-AT was going to be in the game. I remember the good old days playing Battlefront 2 with my friend, it's one of my top favorite games when I was a kid. I don't want to wait 2 more years for Battlefront 3. Hopefully Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty Ghosts will suffice until then.
Well..this was obvious.

Battlefield features vehicles and the previous Battlefronts had vehicles. There was no chance in hell that they wouldn't include vehicles now. Still, good to see an official confirmation I guess.

I agree. Everthing else would be a step backwards. Just hope they make the controls a little bit better.
This is another awesome title I am excited for! Good thing it is coming out in 2015 so I can enjoy the games coming out at launch and around new year :)
I know this is far out (they are targeting a 2015 date to go along with the movie) but this is one of my most anticipated games. I loved Battlefront. I especially love playing in all the movie locations. I would really like to see some epic space battles like the beginning of Episode 3. That would be so awesome.

Same here, Battlefront easily makes the list for best video games of all time and I was disappointed that we never got a slice of it on PS3/360, but now hopefully, it's going to come back and be better than ever.
As excellent as I found the Battlefront games, I do think they were a bit clunky. I hope the new game(s) will fix those issues and make it a bit more smooth in terms of gameplay. Of course vehicles are a plus, but there was definitely room for improvement there from the past games. They should balance the vehicle gameplay so you don't get killed by a laser pistol while in a tank but also can't spawnkill hundreds of enemies with an AT-AT.
As excellent as I found the Battlefront games, I do think they were a bit clunky. I hope the new game(s) will fix those issues and make it a bit more smooth in terms of gameplay. Of course vehicles are a plus, but there was definitely room for improvement there from the past games. They should balance the vehicle gameplay so you don't get killed by a laser pistol while in a tank but also can't spawnkill hundreds of enemies with an AT-AT.

The vehicle gameplay was brand new in Battlefront Two, so as awesome as it was, it was still a little clunky, though on the PSP version at least there were game modes that were vehicle only so there was no real problems there.

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