Xbox One Watch Dogs


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2014
How many of you guys are excited for this video game. honestly I cannot wait I have been watching some videos and doing some reading about the features of this game and I can tell you from what I read it looks like it will be a very good game.

What do you guys think do you think that it would be a very good game?
I think I am a little too excited for Watch Dogs. I have seen a couple of walkthrough videos and I have to say the graphics look incredible. The environment feels very alive if that makes any sense. All of the pedestrians doing there own thing will definitely make the game interesting.
I'm not really hyped but I'm looking forward to it regardless. I don't think I'll get it day 1 either.
I hardly ever get games day 1 and I won't get this then either. I usually wait a few weeks or so and check craigslist regularly and can get a basically brand new game for around $40. Don't get me wrong though I am very excited about this game.
Have it pre-ordered for day one, but I don't know. I have very mixed feelings about the game and may feel let down at the end of it. I hope not.
I'm really stoked for this game. It has been delayed for too long and I hope all the hype behind this game is worth the wait. If this game would just be another Assassin's Creed game then I would be really really disappointed.
The funny thing is I even had a dream about this paying this game some nights ago! I guess that I am really excited about this game. As you said deathbyprayer I really hope that this isn't just another Assassins Creed game because I would be really really disappointed just like how the latest Assassins Creed games have been leaving me although I must say that Blackflag was really fun to play.
It all depends on what the media outlets are saying. I usually rent out of curiousity, and buy based on reviews. The hype factor on this one is huge, so I'll probably redbox it either way.
Personally I think that Watch Dogs is going to be an awesome game mainly because of it's story and how original the game is. At the moment there really isn't much that is making me not by the game. I've already pre ordered it on Steam and I’ll probably get it as soon as it's released on Xbox One
i posted a 30 min game play clip today..

it looks refreshing from what i seen.. its not a fps, it not a zombie or racing game. looks like it has decent playability.. not sure on how much replay ability it has but time will tell.

i was an still am really debating buying the game day1.. i have a ton of stuff coming up in june tho with 2 trips and such that it may be a mid july purchase for me.but it is a game i do want to play.
Oh yeah, I'm excited! Just traded in Titanfall for it. Waiting anxiously for it.

Not really, I don't know even with all this hype I just don't feel for the game. I used to love open world games but nowadays I just feel like these games are a drag to play. Maybe I'm just tired with the present/future settings in games. I don't think I'll be getting the game at launch, I'm more interested with Wolfenstein actually and will be getting that instead.
The funny thing is I even had a dream about this paying this game some nights ago! I guess that I am really excited about this game. As you said deathbyprayer I really hope that this isn't just another Assassins Creed game because I would be really really disappointed just like how the latest Assassins Creed games have been leaving me although I must say that Blackflag was really fun to play.

i really hope it has 0 feel of assasins creed in the controls, or gameplay.. as much as i like black flag i could do with so much of what makes it an assasins creed game. i could and would playi t more butthe parkour just kills it for me.. i do think its one ofthe most visually stunning games on the xb1..

but from the watch dogs 101 trailer(video) i posted in the games section

and the general trailers/gameplay i dont see it being the case.. i think the game has a ton of potential. it seems to offer allot. im excited and may hit a netflix to see how it is.
I will admit thought that after playing GTA 5 that I have gotten high hopes for open world games that come out now. GTA 5 has set the bar so high now for future open world games. I am slowly counting down the days until the release of watch dogs. I don't think that I will pre order it though. How many of you guys are going to pre order it?
i cant wait, i saw the commercial and it was boss. already put money asisde to buy it.
Man I just saw it today! Man that video is one of the greatest game videos I have seen in a long time other than the one that I saw for GTA 5. That game just made get an adrenaline rush when I saw the video today especially the part when he just opens the train and steps on to it. I can't wait even more now. I just got my money together on the side as well.
I'm very hyped for this game. I follow this since the beginning. I really hope that the game will go with my expectations. I really think it will change the video game scene.
Great. Now I need to avoid spoilers :( I was just reading that Watch Dogs got leaked today. Guess I need to hide myself from the world until the official release date. Still, I cannot wait to play this gem, looks awesome in every possible way!
i am watching a live feed of watch dogs right meow may 22 2014.... on twitch.. what 5 days before launch... kinda pisses me off that its up and live but not out yet. humm...
I've got a forum friend that is reviewing the game and his response towards the game is lukewarm. There's an embargo so he wouldn't say much but what he told me was don't get my hopes up too much. He said, it's not a bad game but it's not that great either. I've seen some footage myself and I think the visual is really lacking on the 8th gen version. Of course, reviews are opinions so it's going to differ from person to person.